dholm / homebrew-sdr

Homebrew formulas for software defined radio
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Point gr-fosphor to freetype's include dir #17

Closed JayKickliter closed 8 years ago

JayKickliter commented 8 years ago

I had to take a mulligan on that last PR. I didn't realize brew tap only did a shallow clone and messed everything up.

I made the change you suggested in the last PR. gr-osmosdr still doesn't build because it can't find the Cheetah python library. I know gnuradio has it, but I still don't know homebrew's best practices about dealing with that. So for this PR I'm only targeting getting gr-fosphor to build.

gnuradio-companion still doesn't know about gr-fosphor, since it's not in GRC's block path. Is there a clean way to address that? Or at least print out the path to gr-fosphor and add message to add it GRC's block path?

dholm commented 8 years ago

Thanks, merged!