Closed lu-zero closed 1 year ago
ffmpeg -i -c copy resources/big_buck_bunny_1080p_h264.ts
is pretty slow for me (speed=0.0179x
:sweat:). Do you know of a better mirror? Or have you maybe seen better test mpegts for download. The benchmark currently only uses the first ~40Mb of the file in any case.
Given that the content is not important ideally it can be created from scratch programmatically maybe...
I will update the error in
to suggest running,
ffmpeg -f lavfi -i testsrc=duration=20:size=640x360:rate=30,noise=alls=20:allf=t+u -f lavfi -i "sine=duration=20:frequency=1:beep_factor=480:sample_rate=48000" -c:v libx264 -b:v 20M -map 0:v -c:a aac -b:a 128k -map 1:a -vf format=yuv420p -f mpegts resources/testsrc.ts
It can be created from the official sources, it would nice to add a scripts to produce it on demand.