dhornbein / favor-ecosystem

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Create data update/refresh feature #7

Open dhornbein opened 2 years ago

dhornbein commented 2 years ago

The app needs to periodically check if there is new data on the database.

Every few seconds for transactions and every minute or so for members should be sufficient.

When the PWA (progressive web app) wakes up the data should be refreshed. Perhaps the way to do this is to save a timestamp and check that against the current time, like a cache refresh token.

NateSavery commented 2 years ago

This bug was also reported in the second testing session, one suggestion is some kind of indicator that the user can click on to cause the updated data to flow in (similar to when using Twitter in web browser, if you are searching by tag or keyword and have it sorted to show Most Recent, a small link appears at the top of the feed that says something like "New Tweets" and clicking it loads everything new since you last loaded the page)