dhoulb / multi-semantic-release

Proof of concept that wraps semantic-release to work with monorepos.
BSD Zero Clause License
202 stars 37 forks source link

BUGS: Invalid local dependency version #62

Closed moroine closed 2 years ago

moroine commented 3 years ago


Everything was working fine, but recently I found this issue (maybe a regression 🤔).

I have a workspace with 4 packages:

@nugit/csv-service-client package.json

  "name": "@nugit/csv-service-client",
  "version": "0.0.0",
  "repository": "https://github.com/nugit/csv-service",
  "dependencies": {
    "@nugit/csv-service-types": "0.0.0",
  "publishConfig": {
    "access": "restricted"

@nugit/csv-service-types package.json

  "name": "@nugit/csv-service-types",
  "version": "0.0.0",
  "repository": "https://github.com/nugit/csv-service",
  "dependencies": {
  "publishConfig": {
    "access": "restricted"

The issue I'm facing is while @nugit/csv-service-client is being deployed as 1.1.0-beta.13 & @nugit/csv-service-client as 1.0.0-beta.7 in package.json published in npm @nugit/csv-service-client requires version @nugit/csv-service-client@1.1.0-beta.13 which doesn't exists.

$ multi-semantic-release
multi-semantic-release version: 2.8.0
semantic-release version: 17.4.2
flags: {
  "sequentialInit": false,
  "firstParent": false,
  "debug": false,
  "deps": {
    "bump": "override",
    "release": "patch"
  "dryRun": false
package paths [
[8:15:19 AM] › 🎉  Started multirelease! Loading 4 packages...
[8:15:19 AM] › ✔  Loaded package csv-service-api
[8:15:19 AM] › ✔  Loaded package @nugit/csv-service-client
[8:15:19 AM] › ✔  Loaded package csv-service-example
[8:15:19 AM] › ✔  Loaded package @nugit/csv-service-types
[8:15:19 AM] › 🎉  Queued 4 packages! Starting release...
[8:15:19 AM] [csv-service-api] › ℹ  Running semantic-release version 17.4.2
[8:15:19 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-client] › ℹ  Running semantic-release version 17.4.2
[8:15:19 AM] [csv-service-example] › ℹ  Running semantic-release version 17.4.2
[8:15:19 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-types] › ℹ  Running semantic-release version 17.4.2
[8:15:19 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-client] › ✔  Loaded plugin "verifyRelease" from "@semantic-release/exec"
[8:15:19 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-client] › ✔  Loaded plugin "addChannel" from "@semantic-release/npm"
[8:15:19 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-client] › ✔  Loaded plugin "addChannel" from "@semantic-release/github"
[8:15:19 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-client] › ✔  Loaded plugin "addChannel" from "@semantic-release/exec"
[8:15:19 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-client] › ✔  Loaded plugin "success" from "@semantic-release/github"
[8:15:19 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-client] › ✔  Loaded plugin "success" from "@semantic-release/exec"
[8:15:19 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-client] › ✔  Loaded plugin "success" from "semantic-release-slack-bot"
[8:15:19 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-client] › ✔  Loaded plugin "fail" from "@semantic-release/github"
[8:15:19 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-client] › ✔  Loaded plugin "fail" from "@semantic-release/exec"
[8:15:19 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-client] › ✔  Loaded plugin "fail" from "semantic-release-slack-bot"
[8:15:19 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-types] › ✔  Loaded plugin "verifyRelease" from "@semantic-release/exec"
[8:15:19 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-types] › ✔  Loaded plugin "addChannel" from "@semantic-release/npm"
[8:15:19 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-types] › ✔  Loaded plugin "addChannel" from "@semantic-release/github"
npm notice 3.8kB  src/components/ColumnMappingForm/ColumnMappingForm.jsx          
npm notice 1.4kB  src/components/ColumnMappingForm/ColumnMappingForm.stories.jsx  
npm notice 452B   src/components/Error/ErrorComponent.jsx                         
npm notice 6.9kB  src/components/MappingConfigModal/MappingConfigModal.jsx        
npm notice 1.9kB  src/components/MappingConfigModal/MappingConfigModal.stories.jsx
npm notice 2.0kB  src/components/MappingField/MappingField.jsx                    
npm notice 2.0kB  src/components/MappingField/MappingField.stories.jsx            
npm notice 549B   src/components/PageLayout/PageLayout.jsx                        
npm notice 3.2kB  src/components/RunnerResultView/RunnerResultView.jsx            
npm notice 1.0kB  src/components/RunnerResultView/RunnerResultView.stories.jsx    
npm notice 1.7kB  src/components/SpecsError/SpecsError.jsx                        
npm notice 814B   src/components/SpecsError/SpecsError.stories.jsx                
npm notice 1.5kB  src/components/StepProgress/StepProgress.jsx                    
npm notice 540B   src/components/StepProgress/StepProgress.stories.jsx            
npm notice 3.6kB  src/components/UploadForm/UploadForm.jsx                        
npm notice 693B   src/components/UploadForm/UploadForm.stories.jsx                
npm notice 2.0kB  src/hooks/useCapabilities.js                                    
npm notice 2.2kB  src/hooks/useCsvService.js                                      
npm notice 2.7kB  src/hooks/useMappingStep.js                                     
npm notice 2.2kB  src/hooks/useParseStep.js                                       
npm notice 2.1kB  src/hooks/useReviewStep.js                                      
npm notice 2.2kB  src/hooks/useUploadStep.js                                      
npm notice 124B   src/index.js                                                    
npm notice 41B    src/index.test.js                                               
npm notice 2.1kB  src/pages/CsvService.jsx                                        
npm notice 1.6kB  src/pages/MappingStep.jsx                                       
npm notice 782B   src/pages/ParseStep.jsx                                         
npm notice 796B   src/pages/ReviewStep.jsx                                        
npm notice 820B   src/pages/UploadStep.jsx                                        
npm notice === Tarball Details === 
npm notice name:          @nugit/csv-service-client                  
npm notice version:       1.1.0-beta.13                              
npm notice filename:      @nugit/csv-service-client-1.1.0-beta.13.tgz
npm notice package size:  52.9 kB                                    
npm notice unpacked size: 384.1 kB                                   
npm notice shasum:        e6d65d711e879b77b772da74ed5cf801a066ce3e   
npm notice integrity:     sha512-ThSBjWd1SDXR2[...]Hv4tboVQ6Qe+g==   
npm notice total files:   124                                        
npm notice 
[8:15:41 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-types] [@semantic-release/github] › ℹ  Added comment to issue #74: https://github.com/nugit/csv-service/pull/74#issuecomment-839567271
[8:15:44 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-types] [@semantic-release/github] › ℹ  Added comment to issue #75: https://github.com/nugit/csv-service/pull/75#issuecomment-839567372
+ @nugit/csv-service-client@1.1.0-beta.13
[8:15:47 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-types] [@semantic-release/github] › ℹ  Added comment to issue #72: https://github.com/nugit/csv-service/pull/72#issuecomment-839567464
[8:15:50 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-types] [@semantic-release/github] › ℹ  Added labels [ 'released on @beta' ] to issue #74
[8:15:53 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-types] [@semantic-release/github] › ℹ  Added labels [ 'released on @beta' ] to issue #75
[8:15:56 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-client] › ✔  Completed step "publish" of plugin "Inline plugin"
[8:15:56 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-client] › ℹ  Start step "success" of plugin "@semantic-release/github"
[8:15:59 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-types] [@semantic-release/github] › ℹ  Added labels [ 'released on @beta' ] to issue #72
[8:15:59 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-types] › ✔  Completed step "success" of plugin "@semantic-release/github"
[8:15:59 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-types] › ℹ  Start step "success" of plugin "@semantic-release/exec"
[8:15:59 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-types] › ✔  Completed step "success" of plugin "@semantic-release/exec"
[8:15:59 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-types] › ℹ  Start step "success" of plugin "semantic-release-slack-bot"
[8:15:59 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-types] [semantic-release-slack-bot] › ℹ  Sending slack notification on success
[8:15:59 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-types] › ✔  Completed step "success" of plugin "semantic-release-slack-bot"
[8:15:59 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-types] › ✔  Published release 1.0.0-beta.7 on beta channel
[8:16:02 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-client] [@semantic-release/github] › ℹ  Added comment to issue #75: https://github.com/nugit/csv-service/pull/75#issuecomment-839567982
[8:16:05 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-client] [@semantic-release/github] › ℹ  Added labels [ 'released on @beta' ] to issue #75
[8:16:05 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-client] › ✔  Completed step "success" of plugin "@semantic-release/github"
[8:16:05 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-client] › ℹ  Start step "success" of plugin "@semantic-release/exec"
[8:16:05 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-client] › ✔  Completed step "success" of plugin "@semantic-release/exec"
[8:16:05 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-client] › ℹ  Start step "success" of plugin "semantic-release-slack-bot"
[8:16:05 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-client] [semantic-release-slack-bot] › ℹ  Sending slack notification on success
[8:16:05 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-client] › ✔  Completed step "success" of plugin "semantic-release-slack-bot"
[8:16:05 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-client] › ✔  Published release 1.1.0-beta.13 on beta channel
[8:16:05 AM] › 🎉  Released 2 of 4 packages, semantically!
Done in 47.22s.
moroine commented 3 years ago

However, if I trigger a new release on @nugit/csv-service-client without any modification on @nugit/csv-service-types result package.json is valid (using 1.0.0-beta.7)

antongolub commented 3 years ago

CC @davikawasaki

Hey, @moroine,

It's hard to say what exactly is broken. Could you run the next release with --debug flag to obtain a bit more details about the issue.

moroine commented 3 years ago

@antongolub yes I will add this flag. Also happening when I modify @nugit/csv-service-types only. In term of trigger, it creates the @nugit/csv-service-client patch first then @nugit/csv-service-types. Maybe dependency order is broken 🤔

moroine commented 3 years ago

Here is the debug log

$ multi-semantic-release --deps.bump=inherit --debug
multi-semantic-release version: 2.8.0
semantic-release version: 17.4.2
flags: {
  "deps": {
    "bump": "inherit",
    "release": "patch"
  "debug": true,
  "sequentialInit": false,
  "firstParent": false,
  "dryRun": false
package paths [
[10:38:40 AM] › 🎉  Started multirelease! Loading 4 packages...
[10:38:41 AM] › ✔  Loaded package csv-service-api
[10:38:41 AM] › ✔  Loaded package @nugit/csv-service-client
[10:38:41 AM] › ✔  Loaded package csv-service-example
[10:38:41 AM] › ✔  Loaded package @nugit/csv-service-types
[10:38:41 AM] › 🎉  Queued 4 packages! Starting release...
2021-05-12T10:38:41.180Z msr:inlinePlugin inlinePlugin created: csv-service-api
[10:38:41 AM] [csv-service-api] › ℹ  Running semantic-release version 17.4.2
2021-05-12T10:38:41.182Z msr:inlinePlugin inlinePlugin created: @nugit/csv-service-client
[10:38:41 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-client] › ℹ  Running semantic-release version 17.4.2
2021-05-12T10:38:41.183Z msr:inlinePlugin inlinePlugin created: csv-service-example
[10:38:41 AM] [csv-service-example] › ℹ  Running semantic-release version 17.4.2
2021-05-12T10:38:41.184Z msr:inlinePlugin inlinePlugin created: @nugit/csv-service-types
[10:38:41 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-types] › ℹ  Running semantic-release version 17.4.2
[10:38:41 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-client] › ✔  Loaded plugin "verifyRelease" from "@semantic-release/exec"
[10:38:41 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-client] › ✔  Loaded plugin "addChannel" from "@semantic-release/npm"
[10:38:41 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-client] › ✔  Loaded plugin "addChannel" from "@semantic-release/github"
[10:38:41 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-client] › ✔  Loaded plugin "addChannel" from "@semantic-release/exec"
[10:38:41 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-client] › ✔  Loaded plugin "success" from "@semantic-release/github"
[10:38:41 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-client] › ✔  Loaded plugin "success" from "@semantic-release/exec"
[10:38:41 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-client] › ✔  Loaded plugin "success" from "semantic-release-slack-bot"
[10:38:41 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-client] › ✔  Loaded plugin "fail" from "@semantic-release/github"
[10:38:41 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-client] › ✔  Loaded plugin "fail" from "@semantic-release/exec"
npm notice 3.9kB  dist/es/hooks/useCsvService.js.map                              
npm notice 1.7kB  dist/es/hooks/useMappingStep.js                                 
npm notice 5.1kB  dist/es/hooks/useMappingStep.js.map                             
npm notice 1.6kB  dist/es/hooks/useParseStep.js                                   
npm notice 4.5kB  dist/es/hooks/useParseStep.js.map                               
npm notice 1.3kB  dist/es/hooks/useReviewStep.js                                  
npm notice 4.0kB  dist/es/hooks/useReviewStep.js.map                              
npm notice 1.5kB  dist/es/hooks/useUploadStep.js                                  
npm notice 4.4kB  dist/es/hooks/useUploadStep.js.map                              
npm notice 154B   dist/es/index.js                                                
npm notice 90B    dist/es/index.js.map                                            
npm notice 2.5kB  dist/es/pages/CsvService.js                                     
npm notice 4.0kB  dist/es/pages/CsvService.js.map                                 
npm notice 2.9kB  dist/es/pages/MappingStep.js                                    
npm notice 3.2kB  dist/es/pages/MappingStep.js.map                                
npm notice 1.3kB  dist/es/pages/ParseStep.js                                      
npm notice 1.5kB  dist/es/pages/ParseStep.js.map                                  
npm notice 1.5kB  dist/es/pages/ReviewStep.js                                     
npm notice 1.6kB  dist/es/pages/ReviewStep.js.map                                 
npm notice 1.5kB  dist/es/pages/UploadStep.js                                     
npm notice 1.7kB  dist/es/pages/UploadStep.js.map                                 
npm notice 6.4kB  jest.config.js                                                  
npm notice 2.4kB  package.json                                                    
npm notice 1.7kB  release.config.js                                               
npm notice 380B   src/.eslintrc.json                                              
npm notice 3.8kB  src/components/ColumnMappingForm/ColumnMappingForm.jsx          
npm notice 1.4kB  src/components/ColumnMappingForm/ColumnMappingForm.stories.jsx  
npm notice 452B   src/components/Error/ErrorComponent.jsx                         
npm notice 6.9kB  src/components/MappingConfigModal/MappingConfigModal.jsx        
npm notice 1.9kB  src/components/MappingConfigModal/MappingConfigModal.stories.jsx
npm notice 2.0kB  src/components/MappingField/MappingField.jsx                    
npm notice 2.0kB  src/components/MappingField/MappingField.stories.jsx            
npm notice 549B   src/components/PageLayout/PageLayout.jsx                        
npm notice 3.2kB  src/components/RunnerResultView/RunnerResultView.jsx            
npm notice 1.0kB  src/components/RunnerResultView/RunnerResultView.stories.jsx    
npm notice 1.7kB  src/components/SpecsError/SpecsError.jsx                        
npm notice 814B   src/components/SpecsError/SpecsError.stories.jsx                
npm notice 1.5kB  src/components/StepProgress/StepProgress.jsx                    
npm notice 540B   src/components/StepProgress/StepProgress.stories.jsx            
npm notice 3.6kB  src/components/UploadForm/UploadForm.jsx                        
npm notice 693B   src/components/UploadForm/UploadForm.stories.jsx                
npm notice 2.0kB  src/hooks/useCapabilities.js                                    
npm notice 2.2kB  src/hooks/useCsvService.js                                      
npm notice 2.7kB  src/hooks/useMappingStep.js                                     
npm notice 2.2kB  src/hooks/useParseStep.js                                       
npm notice 2.1kB  src/hooks/useReviewStep.js                                      
npm notice 2.2kB  src/hooks/useUploadStep.js                                      
npm notice 124B   src/index.js                                                    
npm notice 41B    src/index.test.js                                               
npm notice 2.1kB  src/pages/CsvService.jsx                                        
npm notice 1.6kB  src/pages/MappingStep.jsx                                       
npm notice 789B   src/pages/ParseStep.jsx                                         
npm notice 796B   src/pages/ReviewStep.jsx                                        
npm notice 820B   src/pages/UploadStep.jsx                                        
npm notice === Tarball Details === 
npm notice name:          @nugit/csv-service-client                  
npm notice version:       1.1.0-beta.17                              
npm notice filename:      @nugit/csv-service-client-1.1.0-beta.17.tgz
npm notice package size:  53.0 kB                                    
npm notice unpacked size: 385.4 kB                                   
npm notice shasum:        d84d8388bf15f608380ba4f8815c3815e51f9ea6   
npm notice integrity:     sha512-HlAOy5RGV7kQR[...]JBVpFKEGyTnCg==   
npm notice total files:   124                                        
npm notice 
+ @nugit/csv-service-client@1.1.0-beta.17
2021-05-12T10:39:08.388Z msr:inlinePlugin published: @nugit/csv-service-client
[10:39:08 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-client] › ✔  Completed step "publish" of plugin "Inline plugin"
[10:39:08 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-client] › ℹ  Start step "success" of plugin "@semantic-release/github"
[10:39:10 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-client] › ✔  Completed step "success" of plugin "@semantic-release/github"
[10:39:10 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-client] › ℹ  Start step "success" of plugin "@semantic-release/exec"
[10:39:10 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-client] › ✔  Completed step "success" of plugin "@semantic-release/exec"
[10:39:10 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-client] › ℹ  Start step "success" of plugin "semantic-release-slack-bot"
[10:39:10 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-client] [semantic-release-slack-bot] › ℹ  Sending slack notification on success
[10:39:10 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-client] › ✔  Completed step "success" of plugin "semantic-release-slack-bot"
[10:39:10 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-client] › ✔  Published release 1.1.0-beta.17 on beta channel
[10:39:10 AM] › 🎉  Released 2 of 4 packages, semantically!
Done in 30.82s.

What's interesting is this portion:

[10:38:52 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-types] › ✔  Created tag @nugit/csv-service-types@1.0.0-beta.9
[10:38:52 AM] [@nugit/csv-service-types] › ℹ  Start step "publish" of plugin "Inline plugin"
2021-05-12T10:38:52.746Z msr:synchronizer ready: _readyForTagging:@nugit/csv-service-client
2021-05-12T10:38:52.747Z msr:updateDeps [@nugit/csv-service-client] package.json path= /home/runner/work/csv-service/csv-service/packages/client/package.json
2021-05-12T10:38:52.747Z msr:updateDeps [@nugit/csv-service-client] changes= {
  dependencies: { '@nugit/csv-service-types': '0.0.0 → 1.1.0-beta.17' }
reuzel commented 2 years ago

I think this is solved by #72 and #74. Could you try?

moroine commented 2 years ago

I think this is solved by #72 and #74. Could you try?

Looks like it's solved

moroine commented 2 years ago

@dhoulb @reuzel https://github.com/dhoulb/multi-semantic-release/pull/74 breaks the packages into an infinite loops....

The deploy wasn't working in github action ending in memory issue. Did run the script locally and it looks like an infinite loop, I'm having a lot of msr:synchronizer ready: _depCheckxxxxxx +0ms messages which seems to come from the PR. FYI I'm on round msr:synchronizer ready: _depCheck8129473 +0ms

moroine commented 2 years ago

Here is what I have for packages variable after the first round. transformer-service-api is private and will never been deployed. So it's not analyzed

    path: '/Users/moroine/Workspace/Nugit/transformer-service/packages/api/package.json',
    dir: '/Users/moroine/Workspace/Nugit/transformer-service/packages/api',
    name: 'transformer-service-api',
    manifest: {
      name: 'transformer-service-api',
      private: true,
      version: '0.0.0',
      repository: 'https://github.com/nugit/transformer-service.git',
      author: 'moroine@nugit.co',
      license: 'SEE LICENSE IN LICENSE.md',
      engines: [Object],
      devDependencies: [Object],
      scripts: [Object],
      dependencies: [Object]
    deps: [
    options: {
      branches: [Array],
      repositoryUrl: 'https://github.com/nugit/transformer-service.git',
      tagFormat: 'v${version}',
      plugins: [Array]
    plugins: {
      analyzeCommits: [AsyncFunction (anonymous)],
      generateNotes: [AsyncFunction (anonymous)],
      verifyConditions: [AsyncFunction (anonymous)],
      prepare: [AsyncFunction (anonymous)],
      publish: [AsyncFunction (anonymous)],
      addChannel: [AsyncFunction (anonymous)],
      success: [AsyncFunction (anonymous)],
      fail: [AsyncFunction (anonymous)],
      verifyRelease: [AsyncFunction (anonymous)]
    loggerRef: { error: [Function: error], log: [Function: log] },
    localDeps: [ [Object] ],
    result: false
    path: '/Users/moroine/Workspace/Nugit/transformer-service/packages/types/package.json',
    dir: '/Users/moroine/Workspace/Nugit/transformer-service/packages/types',
    name: '@nugit/transformer-service-types',
    manifest: {
      name: '@nugit/transformer-service-types',
      version: '0.0.0',
      repository: 'https://github.com/nugit/transformer-service',
      author: 'Moroine Bentefrit <moroine@nugit.co>',
      license: 'SEE LICENSE IN LICENSE.md',
      main: 'src/index.js',
      engines: [Object],
      devDependencies: [Object],
      sideEffects: false,
      scripts: [Object],
      dependencies: {},
      publishConfig: [Object]
    deps: [
    options: {
      branches: [Array],
      repositoryUrl: 'https://github.com/nugit/transformer-service.git',
      tagFormat: 'v${version}',
      plugins: [Array]
    plugins: {
      analyzeCommits: [AsyncFunction (anonymous)],
      generateNotes: [AsyncFunction (anonymous)],
      verifyConditions: [AsyncFunction (anonymous)],
      prepare: [AsyncFunction (anonymous)],
      publish: [AsyncFunction (anonymous)],
      addChannel: [AsyncFunction (anonymous)],
      success: [AsyncFunction (anonymous)],
      fail: [AsyncFunction (anonymous)],
      verifyRelease: [AsyncFunction (anonymous)]
    loggerRef: {
      error: [Function: bound _logger],
      log: [Function: bound _logger],
      _interactive: false,
      _config: [Object],
      _customTypes: [Object],
      _disabled: false,
      _scopeName: [Array],
      _timers: Map(0) {},
      _types: [Object],
      _stream: [Array],
      _longestLabel: 'watching',
      _secrets: [],
      _generalLogLevel: 'info',
      fatal: [Function: bound _logger],
      fav: [Function: bound _logger],
      info: [Function: bound _logger],
      star: [Function: bound _logger],
      success: [Function: bound _logger],
      wait: [Function: bound _logger],
      warn: [Function: bound _logger],
      complete: [Function: bound _logger],
      pending: [Function: bound _logger],
      note: [Function: bound _logger],
      start: [Function: bound _logger],
      pause: [Function: bound _logger],
      debug: [Function: bound _logger],
      await: [Function: bound _logger],
      watch: [Function: bound _logger]
    localDeps: [],
    _ready: true,
    _preRelease: 'beta',
    _branch: 'develop',
    _lastRelease: {
      version: '1.1.0-beta.1',
      gitTag: '@nugit/transformer-service-types@1.1.0-beta.1',
      channels: [Array],
      gitHead: '1d4ce5d34542f12f5b82a8dc07665b54bcc80807',
      name: '@nugit/transformer-service-types@1.1.0-beta.1'
    _nextType: 'minor',
    _analyzed: true,
    _depsChanged: [],
    _depCheck0: 'stable'

@reuzel @dhoulb @antongolub I think the check need to be processed only on when the _ready flag is present

moroine commented 2 years ago

@antongolub @davikawasaki @reuzel any update on this?

antongolub commented 2 years ago


Sorry, we have extremely few free resources right now.

moroine commented 2 years ago


Sorry, we have extremely few free resources right now.

I've created a PR which should fix the issue, hope you'll find some time to have a look at it soon.

antongolub commented 2 years ago

:tada: This issue has been resolved in version 2.8.5 :tada:

The release is available on:

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