Closed Code2Life closed 3 years ago
Thanks for the report. Here's how semrel npm plugin updates package version:
module.exports = async (npmrc, {tarballDir, pkgRoot}, {cwd, env, stdout, stderr, nextRelease: {version}, logger}) => {
const basePath = pkgRoot ? path.resolve(cwd, pkgRoot) : cwd;
logger.log('Write version %s to package.json in %s', version, basePath);
const versionResult = execa(
['version', version, '--userconfig', npmrc, '--no-git-tag-version', '--allow-same-version'],
cwd: basePath,
And here's the place, where msr can just override package.json.version value:
const prepare = async (pluginOptions, context) => {
// Wait until the current pkg is ready to be tagged
getLucky("_readyForTagging", pkg);
await waitFor("_readyForTagging", pkg);
pkg._depsUpdated = true;
const res = await plugins.prepare(context);
pkg._prepared = true;
debug("prepared: %s",;
return res;
But it may affect other plugins prepare
result (like commit creation). I don't see a quick fix for the problem.
@antongolub Thank you ! Currently I removed "package.json" file from "@semantic-release/git" releaserc to avoid this issue, even it will cause inconsistency of "real" version.
While using PNPM workspace in monorepo, dependencies could be:
"somePkg" : "workspace:^"
However, semantic release will change it to 1.0.x when writing version back to package.json.
Expect Behavior:
Remain original string: "workspace:^", otherwise, pnpm install will resuilt in wrong module structure.