dhowe / AdNauseam

AdNauseam: Fight back against advertising surveillance
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Should hide sponsored ads on instagram #2254

Closed dhowe closed 1 year ago

dhowe commented 1 year ago
mneunomne commented 1 year ago

I was not able to reproduce on my end, tried different VPN and didn't appear. (it actually collected some).

It's interesting because instagram ads are user-generated, so even if i use VPN it still knows I live in Germany. But i'm not sure if the ad scripts are different depending on the assumed location of a user.

I will keep an eye on it. If you want to try to figure it out you would need to try to check what is the adn-allowed script generating the ad. And maybe it is indeed a location-specific script that is getting adn-allowed.

Aleksandra0056 commented 1 year ago

Also, sponsored ads on Facebook are still visible, even with AdNauseam enabled.

dhowe commented 1 year ago

Also, sponsored ads on Facebook are still visible, even with AdNauseam enabled.

@mneunomne pls test this...

mneunomne commented 1 year ago

This is not Adn specific, ads are also showing in uBlock Origin:

Screenshot 2023-02-15 at 13 19 28

We have discussed this before https://github.com/dhowe/AdNauseam/issues/1894, seems that facebook manages to be ahead of uBlock most of the time in terms of ad blocking.

The reason for that I believe is that the HTML structure is completely compiled, and even the word "advertised" doesn't render as usual plain-text in html, but as svg, probably to avoid procedural filters such as :has-text(Ads).

Check here for the ongoing discussion https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uAssets/issues/3367

mneunomne commented 1 year ago

regarding instagram, I was able to now reproduce it as well. Not sure why this is happening, even with strict mode it is appearing. Will check further.

mneunomne commented 1 year ago

The issue is that now Adnauseam is a bit far behind uBlock in terms of the its filter assets. This can be fixed by simply clicking "Update" in the third-party filters list tab.

@dhowe maybe to avoid this we should consider an force-auto-update on launch?


We will always be a bit behind uBlock, so for me this makes sense.

mneunomne commented 1 year ago

Actually a better way this can also be fixed is by decreasing the delay times of the autoUpdate function:

(values are in seconds)


autoUpdateAssetFetchPeriod: 60
autoUpdateDelayAfterLaunch: 105


autoUpdateAssetFetchPeriod: 10
autoUpdateDelayAfterLaunch: 5

What is important is to decrease the delay after launch significantly so that we ensure Adnauseam has all the filters as the user starts using it. We need it quicker than uBlock since our local assets tend to be out of date with uBlock's.

mneunomne commented 1 year ago

This should be fixed by simply updating filter. Last merge enforces updates faster, and also updated the submodules. Should be closed if cannot be reproduced after updating filters.

mneunomne commented 1 year ago

Fixed, closing