dhowe / AdNauseamV1

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FAQ questions [website] #127

Closed dhowe closed 9 years ago

dhowe commented 9 years ago
mushon commented 9 years ago
stuartyeates commented 9 years ago
dhowe commented 9 years ago

Some responses to include in the FAQ (mostly from @hfn1)

We do not oppose online advertising. We are bringing to light a system of advertising that has taken hold of the Net, whereby ads are just the tip of the iceberg and serve as a delivery system for a massive back-end surveillance architecture that tracks each one of us. To reiterate, it is not advertising we are protesting, but advertising insofar as it represents a dominant means of tracking.

We understand what click fraud is and do not believe we are engaging in it (nor do the lawyers we have consulted). Turning the tables, we would like to hear why someone holds that AdNauseam does commit click fraud. Would they say the same of anyone who clicks on an ad in which they are not really interested?

We can't answer for Facebook's decisions to insert advertising material inadvertently into other content, Media companies have utilized this approach before and will likely continue to attempt to influence and trick individuals into paying attention with new techniques, once resistance to previous methods has developed. In print media, some governments have found the practice sufficiently unethical to require publishers to distinguish clearly advertising from editorial content.

AdNauseam and systems like it are a means for users to communicated our protest directly, unmediated by the vested interests that claim to speak on our behalf, or claim to guess our preferences and predilections.

mushon commented 9 years ago


mushon commented 9 years ago

@hfn1 would you please edit these answers and other ones into the FAQ page?


(we're already publicly teased about it)


dhowe commented 9 years ago

Indeed, we certainly need this pre-launch...

dhowe commented 9 years ago

First version done and linked from addon. This will continue on of course, but I'm closing it for now as an issue...