dhowe / spectre

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Design for post-experience pages #174

Closed dhowe closed 4 years ago

billposters commented 4 years ago

I'm speaking with tactical tech on Weds this week and will ask then to collate content ideas and copy for the IRL section of the post experience. I will make sure it links to the tech and techniques that Spectre is subverting so it all makes sense when displayed after 'how spectre took your data' etc. This can then be fed direct to designer.

billposters commented 4 years ago

Content proposal:

1 scrolling page with the post-experience content structured in 4 parts:

dhowe commented 4 years ago

perhaps add these to my recent version of the design brief?

dhowe commented 4 years ago

its in the drive and in email

billposters commented 4 years ago


Collated a proposed first list of content to explore in the post experience page (this list follows the use of the methods in the UX from start to finish):

Section 1 What Spectre did and how:

1 - TOS (DARK DESIGN PATTERNS / Single task design philosophy etc)

2 - USER-SELFIE / BIOMETRIC DATA, how this is used IRL? //Tactical tech have a great infographic entitled 'Life of A Selfie' that could be used here as part of content)

3 - PERSONALISATION (Generative language, behavioural profiling etc)

4 - GAMIFICATION (rewards, addiction, manipulation)



7 - SYNTHESISED VIDEO (deep fake tech / shallow fake tech if possible to include etc)

(DH: also cookies and local storage)

Section 2 - How these tech, techniques etc are used in the real world:

1 - Corporate spehere

2 - Political Sphere

Section 3 - Fight Back / Privacy Tools:

billposters commented 4 years ago

perhaps add these to my recent version of the design brief?

think we need to develop this content further before adding to design brief

dhowe commented 4 years ago

This is a great start. But also a big chunk of TODO work that needs to be tight or could have a net negative effect...

I think perhaps we need a sort of two-pronged attack where we a) integrate/verify some of these aspects more specifically into the experience design, and then b) add their explanation to the post-experience

Have you talked with our designer about increasing the level of dark-patterns, gamification, etc. ? This needs to be in the design spec

billposters commented 4 years ago

increasing dark patterns / gamification might not be necessary. We use examples of dark patterns ie. single task design, tos. These could be enough to start a survey of techniques in the post experience that are used in the real world - we don't need to use every technique / example.

Gamification is already running throughout several aspects of the UX. How much more is needed to validate explanation of other examples ie. addiction, gambling techniques etc. in the post experience part?

I feel reluctant to add more to the design brief as we have 1 week to get finished design templates to then build in the FE prior to testing. 1 week is not a long time.

How many weeks / days will it take a FE dev / yourself and Kenny to build the final FE pages of the app? Once we can understand the workload already, we could look at tweaking parts of the UX but as mentioned, I'm reluctant to do this given time constraints and our multi-user testing concerns.

Spectre is a strong experience for audiences, the prototype (!!) blew people away in sheffield.

billposters commented 4 years ago

Also worth clarifying - we would give the list of techniques / technologies we want to explore in the post experience section to Tactical Tech's Data & Politics team, we say what kind of assets we need (video to embed, infographic, 150 words here etc,) and they would provide the content for us to apply to the page.

The automated elements would need to BE which is more work for you though. For example, {username}'s OCEAN profile etc.

dhowe commented 4 years ago

I hear your point about time-frame, but this could happen post Feb 1 in conjunction with testing in manchester...

from my perspective we are not hitting dark design or gamification nearly hard enough to sell the 'look what we did to you and how we did it...' post-experience UX

Spectre is a strong experience for audiences, the prototype (!!) blew people away in sheffield

its important to remember that we have no real evidence of this -- conversations we had (with people who knew we were the artists) really cannot be counted, and shouldnt keep us from noting weaknesses and making improvements (assuming core functionality is in place first)

Also worth clarifying - we would give the list of techniques / technologies we want to explore in the post experience section to Tactical Tech's Data & Politics team, we say what kind of asssets we need (video to embed, infographic, 150 words here etc,) and they would provide the content for us to apply to the page.

yes, this is excellent (hopefully we can do this in a simple static website without react overkill) -- ideally this would be a bit general, eg, "websites do this to you", with specific examples, "for example, "remember THIS page..." from spectre

The automated elements would need to be BE which is more work for you though. For example, {username]'s OCEAN profile etc

this implies that post-experience is a) a dynamic site, and b) has access to our user db (see questions below)

dhowe commented 4 years ago

Two key questions ported over from tg:

  1. Will the post-experience website need access to the user database ?
  2. Does the post-experience website need to be running during the exhibition ?
billposters commented 4 years ago

1 - no idea not my area of knowledge 2 - I would say yes to this if people check their emails shortly after fnishng UX

dhowe commented 4 years ago

1 - no idea not my area of knowledge

I will rephrase: does the post-experience content need to reference data from the users spectre experience (e.g., their OCEAN profile, or their chosen virtue) ?

2 - I would say yes to this if people check their emails shortly after fnishng UX

We can send the emails whenever we like...

billposters commented 4 years ago

1 - no idea not my area of knowledge

I will rephrase: does the post-experience content need to reference data from the users spectre experience (e.g., their OCEAN profile, or their chosen virtue) ?

2 - I would say yes to this if people check their emails shortly after fnishng UX

We can send the emails whenever we like...

  • true, can you scope both in terms of what is involved and then we can make a decision? Would we send all users from Day 1 an email when the installation is shut down for the night? DOn't know how this would work so please do let me know how both options could work
dhowe commented 4 years ago

Ok then yes, for OCEAN infographic and text. Yes for dark ad too, so they can see it in relation to other examples / content that Tactical tech provide

This adds significant complexity. I wonder if there is a way to only use such data in the email, and then refer to it generally on the simpler website

true, can you scope both in terms of what is involved and then we can make a decision? Would we send all users from Day 1 an email when the installation is shut down for the night? DOn't know how this would work so please do let me know how both options could work

The work is the same -- its just a question of when to send. The simplest thing in terms of the website is to wait until after the exhibit ends, then send all the emails at once.

billposters commented 4 years ago

ok we should look at sending emails all at once if that is easier. One thing we may miss though is people checking their email a little after the experience, finding the email from Spectre and checking the post ex and telling their friends about it during the same day etc...

billposters commented 4 years ago

Here is the current framework for content in the post-experience page;

Section 1 - What Spectre did and how:

1 - TOS (dark design patterns etc)

2 - USER SELFIE / BIOMETRIC DATA (Tactical tech have a great infographic entitled 'Life of A Selfie' that could be used to illustrate issues as part of content in Section 2)

3 - PERSONALISATION (Generative language, behavioural profiling, cookies and local storage)

4 - GAMIFICATION (rewards, addiction, manipulation, Single task design philosophy etc)



7 - SYNTHESISED VIDEO (synthesised video (deep fake tech / shallow fake tech))

Section 2 - How these technologies, techniques and methods etc are used in the real world:

Applied to the following contexts:

1 - Corporate sphere

tactical tech's 'data and politics' team collate this information to match content above

2 - Political Sphere

tactical tech's 'data and politics' team collate this information to match content above

Section 3 - Fight Back / Privacy Tools:

List / link to tactical tech's 'data detox kit' here (or similar)

dhowe commented 4 years ago

Will need design for this page or pages, including the login interface that people see when they click the link on the email (or the email could login them in automatically).

@billposters There are security/privacy concerns to consider here as well, especially if we are displaying user data, since (as yet) there is no password or other means to verify that the person who is visiting the site is the same person who did the installation.

For example if I am stalking person X and know they did the installation, I simply use their email account to login to the post-experience site...

creating a separate ticket for this (#443)

billposters commented 4 years ago

Will need design for this page or pages, including the login interface that people see when they click the link on the email (or the email could login them in automatically).

@billposters There are security/privacy concerns to consider here as well, especially if we are displaying user data, since (as yet) there is no password or other means to verify that the person who is visiting the site is the same person who did the installation.

For example if I am stalking person X and know they did the installation, I simply use their email account to login to the post-experience site...

creating a separate ticket for this (#443)

really good point Dan. We will have to check however it is a US installation and they don't have anything like GDPR!

what do you think about logging them in automatically? Would this be easier to do from your end? happy to use any system or approach that lightens your workload.

billposters commented 4 years ago

Urgent - @dhowe, should sections 1 and 2 above be combined into 1 section? What Spectre did / what Spectre learned about a user, followed by real world examples?

I can't quite see the benefit of splitting the first 2 sections into seperate components for the web page design now that i am finalising the desing brief. What are your thoughts?

dhowe commented 4 years ago

Makes sense. "Spectre did X and Y. This is similar to what happens online when you visit..."

billposters commented 4 years ago

yeah i think so too, then the user will grasp each technique / technology better I think.

dhowe commented 4 years ago

great work @peterbix opening a new ticket for feedback: #551