dhrone / pydPiper

A general purpose program to display song metadata on LCD and OLED devices
MIT License
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display offset #105

Closed funhouse61 closed 3 years ago

funhouse61 commented 4 years ago

Hi ! First of all thank you for the job done ! my raspi is b+ v1 2 and oled display midaseh002004a 20x4 with moode audio 6.2.

My first installations were going normally, but since recently when I do the test everything is ok and after the final installation I have this kind of display IMG_0231 and it continues even when I start the music, yet I haven't changed anything in the way I install pydPiper. otherwise I am doing tests on this model of raspberry to familiarize myself with pydpiper and the modification of my page eventually the screen will be coupled with a raspi 3 and a digione card and a sofstart by audiophonics with gpio replicator. and on this subject should I modify anything, wiring or the script of pydPiper so that everything works together ? sorry I still have questions, I find that the refresh rate is very long the display is always half a song behind the reality is it due to the raspi which is not the most efficient or I can change something? my screen is wired in parallel to the fact. last question I tried to integrate tracktype on the screen but once installed here is what it gives. IMG_0229 On the other hand, if you need my pydpiper configuration, you should also explain to me how to get them back to you and send them to you. sorry for all these questions but i'm starting and i don't know much about it. I specify that I searched the various forums and on github before posting here but that I did not find my answers. Please help me !!!

funhouse61 commented 4 years ago

hello, so try with the latest version of moode freshly downloaded. So, as in the Remy1961 instruction guide on the moodeaudio forum I do, the test. That's what happens. IMG_0252 IMG_0253 and after final installation. IMG_0254 I try to restart pydpiper, IMG_0255 It's worse. I will start all over but without doing the test and I will see.

dhrone commented 4 years ago

Hmm. So it works when you issue the following command...

sudo /usr/bin/docker run --network=host --privileged -ti -v /var/log:/var/log:rw -v /home/pi/pydPiper:/app:rw dhrone/pydpiper:v0.31-alpha /bin/bash python pydPiper.py

When does it not work and what specific command is being used to start it? If you are starting it from systemd let me know what the contents of pydpiper.service are. Also let me know what the contents of pydPiper.cfg are.

My guess is that the settings for the display pins are incorrect.

funhouse61 commented 4 years ago

Hello, so after the test I type this: cd pydPiper sudo cp pydpiper.service /etc/systemd/system sudo systemctl enable pydpiper sudo systemctl start pydpiper

funhouse61 commented 4 years ago

now I will try to send you the data you request

funhouse61 commented 4 years ago

[Unit] Description = pydPiper Requires = docker.service After = mpd.service docker.service

[Service] Restart = always ExecStart = /usr/bin/docker run --network=host --privileged -v /var/log:/var/log:rw -v /home/pi/pydPiper:/app:rw dhrone/pydpiper:v0.31-alpha python /app/pydPiper.py

[Install] WantedBy = multi-user.target

funhouse61 commented 4 years ago

import logging import sys if sys.version_info[0] < 3: import ConfigParser config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() else: import configparser config = configparser.RawConfigParser()


def safeget(config, section, option, default=None): return config.has_option(section, option) and config.get(section, option) or default

Start-up mode

STARTUP_MSG_DURATION = float(safeget(config,'STARTUP', 'startup_msg_duration',0))

Display Parameters

DISPLAY_DRIVER= safeget(config,'DISPLAY', 'display_driver') DISPLAY_DEVICETYPE= safeget(config,'DISPLAY', 'display_devicetype') DISPLAY_WIDTH = int(safeget(config,'DISPLAY', 'display_width',0)) # the width of the display in pixels DISPLAY_HEIGHT = int(safeget(config,'DISPLAY', 'display_height',0)) # the height of the display in pixels DISPLAY_SIZE = (DISPLAY_WIDTH, DISPLAY_HEIGHT) DISPLAY_PIN_RS = int(safeget(config,'DISPLAY', 'display_pin_rs',0)) DISPLAY_PIN_E = int(safeget(config,'DISPLAY', 'display_pin_e',0)) DISPLAY_PIN_D4 = int(safeget(config,'DISPLAY', 'display_pin_d4',0)) DISPLAY_PIN_D5 = int(safeget(config,'DISPLAY', 'display_pin_d5',0)) DISPLAY_PIN_D6 = int(safeget(config,'DISPLAY', 'display_pin_d6',0)) DISPLAY_PIN_D7 = int(safeget(config,'DISPLAY', 'display_pin_d7',0)) DISPLAY_PINS_DATA = [ DISPLAY_PIN_D4, DISPLAY_PIN_D5, DISPLAY_PIN_D6, DISPLAY_PIN_D7 ] i2c_address = safeget(config,'DISPLAY', 'display_i2c_address','0') DISPLAY_I2C_ADDRESS = int(i2c_address) if i2c_address and 'x' not in i2c_address else int(i2c_address,16) DISPLAY_I2C_PORT = int(safeget(config,'DISPLAY', 'display_i2c_port',0)) DISPLAY_ENABLE_DURATION = float(safeget(config,'DISPLAY', 'display_enable_duration',0)) # in microseconds. Decrease to increase performance. Increase to improve display stability

Page Parameters

PAGEFILE = safeget(config, 'DISPLAY', 'pagefile') ANIMATION_SMOOTHING = float(safeget(config,'DISPLAY', 'animation_smoothing',0)) # Amount of time in seconds to wait before repainting display

System Parameters

This is where the log file will be written


Logging level

LOGLEVEL={'debug': logging.DEBUG, 'info': logging.INFO, 'warning': logging.WARNING, 'critical': logging.CRITICAL }.get(safeget(config,'SYSTEM', 'loglevel'))

Localization Parameters

Adjust this setting to localize the time display to your region

TIMEZONE=safeget(config,'SYSTEM', 'timezone') TIME24HOUR=bool(safeget(config, 'SYSTEM', 'time24hour',False))

Adjust this setting to localize temperature displays

TEMPERATURE=safeget(config,'SYSTEM', 'temperature')

Weather related variables

WEATHER_SERVICE = safeget(config,'SYSTEM', 'weather_service') WEATHER_API = safeget(config,'SYSTEM', 'weather_api') WEATHER_LOCATION = safeget(config,'SYSTEM', 'weather_location')

Music Source Parameters

MUSIC_SERVICE = safeget(config, 'SOURCE', 'source_type')

Used by Volumio V1 and Moode

MPD_SERVER = safeget(config, 'SOURCE', 'mpd_server') MPD_PORT = safeget(config, 'SOURCE', 'mpd_port') MPD_PASSWORD = safeget(config, 'SOURCE', 'mpd_password')

Used by Volumio v1 and Moode

SPOP_SERVER = safeget(config, 'SOURCE', 'spop_server') SPOP_PORT = safeget(config, 'SOURCE', 'spop_port') SPOP_PASSWORD = safeget(config, 'SOURCE', 'spop_password')

Used by Volumio v2

VOLUMIO_SERVER = safeget(config, 'SOURCE', 'volumio_server') VOLUMIO_PORT = safeget(config, 'SOURCE', 'volumio_port')

Used by RuneAudio

RUNE_SERVER = safeget(config, 'SOURCE', 'rune_server') RUNE_PORT = safeget(config, 'SOURCE', 'rune_port') RUNE_PASSWORD = safeget(config, 'SOURCE', 'rune_password')

Used by Max2Play and piCorePlayer

LMS_SERVER = safeget(config, 'SOURCE', 'lms_server') LMS_PORT = safeget(config, 'SOURCE', 'lms_port') LMS_USER = safeget(config, 'SOURCE', 'lms_user') LMS_PASSWORD = safeget(config, 'SOURCE', 'lms_password') LMS_PLAYER = safeget(config, 'SOURCE', 'lms_player')

I hope that's what you ask

funhouse61 commented 4 years ago

so here's how to pretend to be an idiot !! I was forced, at the moment to start manually pydpiper because it does not start by itself and the display is organized correctly except that I am missing some information I put you a photo

funhouse61 commented 4 years ago

while waiting for it to arrive on my cloud I will explain; I am missing the name of the artist as in the basic configuration because I haven't changed anything yet

funhouse61 commented 4 years ago

I'm going to restart pydpiper to see if it doesn't start to display strangely again and that's exactly what i was afraid of but just for the stop screen then for the moode info everything is ok. there I understand nothing more in fact it works randomly.

funhouse61 commented 4 years ago

at startup today IMG_0265 at restart IMG_0254 as if there is a big hole in the middle and now with moode data it run normaly IMG_0267

funhouse61 commented 4 years ago

Finally I just noticed that the arrangement of the information is random anyway

funhouse61 commented 4 years ago

here are my changes in pages_lcd_20x4.py Capture and this is what is displayed. I am missing a part IMG_0271

dhrone commented 4 years ago

You've sent the pydPiper_config.py file, not the pydPiper.cfg file which is the one I needed. FYI, you can attach files to these messages. It only supports a few file extensions though so you'll need to rename the file first. In this case, create a copy of pydPiper.cfg and renaming it to pydPiper.cfg.txt. You should then be able to attach it to your reply. Also, can you provide a link to a description of your display. I didn't find anything searching for midaseh002004a.

funhouse61 commented 4 years ago

display's informations http://www.farnell.com/datasheets/2566408.pdf?_ga=2.58301994.1809785672.1593954716-188445626.1592058948&_gac=1.79231718.1593369053.CjwKCAjw_-D3BRBIEiwAjVMy7G56oSHiRySIxgz-L9ZUX19eiDEjSp0Xii87rE6iqiyeBslytlAlSRoCNnkQAvD_BwE I'm sorry, but I can't make a copy of the file. i am trying with winscp i am not sure how.

funhouse61 commented 4 years ago


funhouse61 commented 4 years ago

[STARTUP] startup_msg_duration = 5

[DISPLAY] display_driver = hd44780 display_pin_rs = 7 display_pin_e = 8 display_pin_d4 = 25 display_pin_d5 = 24 display_pin_d6 = 23 display_pin_d7 = 27 display_width = 100 display_height = 32 display_enable_duration = 0.1 pagefile = pages_lcd_20x4.py animation_smoothing = 0.15

[SYSTEM] logfile = /var/log/pydPiper.log loglevel = info timezone = Europe/Paris time24hour = true temperature = celsius

[SOURCE] source_type = moode volumio_server = localhost volumio_port = 3000 mpd_server = localhost mpd_port = 6600 mpd_password = moodeaudio

funhouse61 commented 4 years ago

Is that right ?

funhouse61 commented 4 years ago

it gives the impression that it behaves like a 16x2

dhrone commented 4 years ago

Hmm. I cannot locate a manual that describes the controller that your display uses. The manufacturer refers to it as an MS0010 but does not provide a manual on their site. I'm curious though. There is a controller made by winstar called the ms0010 that is used with their line of oled displays. I wonder if the MS0010 is a clone of it? If that is the case, there may be small differences in the initialization routine between the hd44780 driver and one your display is using that is causing the problem. Unfortunately, you cannot just use the winstar driver as it is a graphical driver and it is likely that your display only supports character mode. I could see about adding a new driver that uses the initialization routine for the winstar but the rest of the driver is the hd44780 commands for you to test but it is a bit of a long shot.

funhouse61 commented 4 years ago

thank you already, for such extensive research. I don't mind waiting at all, I'm stuck anyway. It's bad luck for me, I just wanted a colored oled screen on a black background, which is not easy to find especially with drivers corresponding to your work or winstar or hd44780. but what strikes me as weird is that during the test it seemed to work correctly. I don't know what changes between the testing period and the finalization of remy1961 but could also be a lead. I say that, but hey as I don't know much about it so I may be wrong. Thanks again and I'll tell you in the next news

dhrone commented 4 years ago

I strongly suspect a timing issue with the display. One quick thing you could try is increasing the display_enable_duration. You've currently got it set at 0.1. Try 0.2 or even 1.0.

But, I think it will likely require a change to the initialization code to get it working reliably.

funhouse61 commented 4 years ago

Ok but could you explain me how can i change this. With putty ? sorry i'm learning

funhouse61 commented 4 years ago

so i tried to modify with this command "sudo python configure.py" but that didn't change anything. otherwise I sent an email to midas asking them to help us. You never know it can work !?

dannixDanny commented 4 years ago

the last config file you posted which is pydPiper.cfg has display_enable_duration = 0.1 about 10 lines down. Edit it to "0.2 or even 1.0" with a terminal editor.

funhouse61 commented 4 years ago

le dernier fichier de configuration que vous avez posté qui est pydPiper.cfg a display_enable_duration = 0.1 environ 10 lignes plus bas. Modifiez-le en "0.2 ou même 1.0" avec un éditeur de terminal.

I have already tried this method but it hasn't changed anything. thank you

dhrone commented 4 years ago

I contacted the manufacturer to see if I could get a manual for the device but never heard back from them.

funhouse61 commented 4 years ago

so I guess you can't do anything without this manual?

funhouse61 commented 4 years ago

just to know if i should buy another display is there any chance you can help me without this manual?

dhrone commented 4 years ago

Without a manual that includes the instruction set, no.