dhrone / pydPiper

A general purpose program to display song metadata on LCD and OLED devices
MIT License
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Time #33

Open superjasiek opened 6 years ago

superjasiek commented 6 years ago

Hi! First of all thank you very much for this grate piece of software. Everything goes smooth with dock installer and volumio installer (I use raspberry pi zero w with hifiberry dac + and lcd hd44780 i2c, on adress 3F) . Setting accuweather was a little tricky about location code but it works fine. There is one thing i can't figure out - how to change clock format - I set time zone to Europe/Warsaw and set true to 24h clock but lcd still display 12h clock. One more time thank's for your time for developing this soft!

I found also sth like this - log file

2018-08-07 20:46:26,607:INFO:pydPiper starting 2018-08-07 20:59:18,998:INFO:Exiting... 2018-08-07 20:59:19,006:ERROR:Uncaught exception Traceback (most recent call last): File "/app/pydPiper.py", line 742, in img = dc.next() File "/app/displays/display.py", line 1537, in next w = s.get() File "/app/displays/display.py", line 1238, in get widget, duration, conditional = self.widgets[self.currentwidget] IndexError: list index out of range 2018-08-07 20:59:19,039:ERROR:Player status at exception 2018-08-07 20:59:19,045:ERROR:{u'stream': u'webradio', u'mute': False, u'ip': u'', u'outside_temp_max_formatted': u'28\xb0C', u'random': 0, u'outside_temp_min': 16.1, u'channels': 0, u'si$ 2018-08-07 21:00:14,850:INFO:pydPiper starting

dhrone commented 6 years ago

Not sure what would cause that exception except possibly a bad pages file. Which one are you using? As for the 12 vs 24 hour issue. The 24h setting is no longer enforced. That has moved into the pages file. If you look in the file you are using examine the definition for 'time' in the set of widgets. You'll notice the variables list has a single value which is 'localtime|strftime+%-I:%M'. Just change this to 'localtime|strftime+%-H:%M' and you'll get a 24 hour clock.

superjasiek commented 6 years ago

Thank's for reply - made changes and everything works fine. I think that this exception was made by my code in python for rotary encoders (two scripts for two encoders run by system service) - is it possible? Maybe you have some hints to improve it? I use page file 16x2

'#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import time import os from rotary_class import RotaryEncoder

PIN_A = 13 # Pin 16 PIN_B = 26 # Pin 18 BUTTON = 24 # Pin 22

This is the event callback routine to handle events

def switch_event(event): if event == RotaryEncoder.CLOCKWISE: os.system ('volumio volume minus') time.sleep(.2) elif event == RotaryEncoder.ANTICLOCKWISE: os.system ('volumio volume plus') time.sleep(.2) elif event == RotaryEncoder.BUTTONDOWN: os.system ('volumio volume mute')

elif event == RotaryEncoder.BUTTONUP:

         # os.system ('volumio volume unmute') 

Define the switch

rswitch = RotaryEncoder(PIN_A,PIN_B,BUTTON,switch_event)

while True: time.sleep(0.5)' and rotary class looks like this: `#!/usr/bin/env python

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

class RotaryEncoder:


rotary_a = 0
rotary_b = 0
rotary_c = 0
last_state = 0
direction = 0

# Initialise rotary encoder object
def __init__(self,pinA,pinB,button,callback):
    self.pinA = pinA
    self.pinB = pinB
    self.button = button
    self.callback = callback


    # The following lines enable the internal pull-up resistors
    # on version 2 (latest) boards
    GPIO.setup(self.pinA, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)
    GPIO.setup(self.pinB, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)
    GPIO.setup(self.button, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)

    # For version 1 (old) boards comment out the above four lines
    # and un-comment the following 3 lines
    #GPIO.setup(self.pinA, GPIO.IN)
    #GPIO.setup(self.pinB, GPIO.IN)
    #GPIO.setup(self.button, GPIO.IN)

    # Add event detection to the GPIO inputs
    GPIO.add_event_detect(self.pinA, GPIO.FALLING, callback=self.switch_event)
    GPIO.add_event_detect(self.pinB, GPIO.FALLING, callback=self.switch_event)
    GPIO.add_event_detect(self.button, GPIO.BOTH, callback=self.button_event, bouncetime=200)

# Call back routine called by switch events
def switch_event(self,switch):
    if GPIO.input(self.pinA):
        self.rotary_a = 1
        self.rotary_a = 0

    if GPIO.input(self.pinB):
        self.rotary_b = 1
        self.rotary_b = 0

    self.rotary_c = self.rotary_a ^ self.rotary_b
    new_state = self.rotary_a * 4 + self.rotary_b * 2 + self.rotary_c * 1
    delta = (new_state - self.last_state) % 4
    self.last_state = new_state
    event = 0

    if delta == 1:
        if self.direction == self.CLOCKWISE:
            # print "Clockwise"
            event = self.direction
            self.direction = self.CLOCKWISE
    elif delta == 3:
        if self.direction == self.ANTICLOCKWISE:
            # print "Anticlockwise"
            event = self.direction
            self.direction = self.ANTICLOCKWISE
    if event > 0:

# Push button up event
def button_event(self,button):
    if GPIO.input(button): 
        event = self.BUTTONUP 
        event = self.BUTTONDOWN 

# Get a switch state
def getSwitchState(self, switch):
    return  GPIO.input(switch)

` And last question: is it possible to change weather info provider? for example for openweathermaps or sth? Where is code that is responsible for this part (weather)?

dhrone commented 6 years ago

I don't see how your encoder program would have affected the exception in you experienced in pydPiper. The encoder program itself is a bit hard to follow without some additional details. For instance, it appears you have your callback function is defined twice. It also appears that you are using sleep to debounce the inputs. You may want to look at using the bouncetime feature of add_event_callback instead.

GPIO.add_event_callback(channel, my_callback, bouncetime=200)

For your weather question: The currently supported weather services are Weather Underground and Accuweather. I added Accuweather after Weather Underground discontinued issuing free API keys. I used to support open weather map as well and adding it back would not be difficult. I pulled it though because it was providing inaccurate data. It is possible that this is fixed at this point. Let me know and I'll look into re-integrating it.

superjasiek commented 5 years ago

Hi again :) Just updated pydPiper (using instruction on github) and have same issue - how to change time from 12h to 24h? is there any way to force 24h clock? I edited page file - 16x2 'localtime|strftime+%-H:%M' but it does not work. Also question about weather service is it possible to run accuweather like in previous version? Thanks!