dhruvaray / spa-eye

Backbone debugger for Firefox
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Introduce FBTests to build a test suite #1

Closed dhruvaray closed 11 years ago

jdkanani commented 11 years ago

I have added boilerplate code for FBTest with commit 336c50e2c11f97e29970ec5ed144a398611898d7

How to run all fbtests?

  1. Create new dev (here, name is irrelevant) firefox profile if you have not created yet.
  2. Install latest(1.12+ Recommended) Firebug
  3. Install latest FBTest
  4. Start local http server to serve test files for FBTest:
node build.js server <PORT>

It will start server at localhost:PORT (default port is 8888).

  1. Run all fbtest cases:
node build.js test <PROFILE> <PORT>

It will run all fbtests at localhost:PORT with profile PROFILE (default port is 8888 and profile is 'dev').

For more details:

node build.js help