dhruvaray / spa-eye

Backbone debugger for Firefox
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Autoreload each time when switching to BackboneEye tab #15

Open jeron-diovis opened 10 years ago

jeron-diovis commented 10 years ago

For now, plugin completely reloads when you are switching to it's tab. This leads to uncomfortable situations - for example, you scroll deep through large models list and then decide to inspect one of them in DOM panel. When you return back to BackboneEye tab, list will be reloaded, and all expanded objects and scroll position will be lost.

It's very annoying, and slows down my work very much.

Even more, it happens when you switch browser tab: plugin reloads when you return back to browser tab with opened Firebug where BackboneEye tab is active.

Is it possible to do not reload plugin automatically?

dhruvaray commented 10 years ago

Ok... We can put in an explicit reload button. (In case m/c/v are created since you last visited a tab)

jeron-diovis commented 10 years ago

Yes, that would be very good.