let g:dotoo#agenda#files = ['/home/joshua/git/org/*.dotoo']
let g:dotoo#capture#clock = 0
let g:dotoo#capture#refile = expand('/home/joshua/git/org/refile.dotoo')
say I have these agena files
❯ ls git/org/
AA.dotoo devops.dotoo refile.dotoo SSPR.dotoo
if I move a headline using m and try to specify a file that doesn't exist (i.e create a new file) then the headline is remove and no new file is created.
Moving the headline to a file that exist works fine.
say I have these agena files
if I move a headline using m and try to specify a file that doesn't exist (i.e create a new file) then the headline is remove and no new file is created.
Moving the headline to a file that exist works fine.
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