dhruvasagar / vim-table-mode

VIM Table Mode for instant table creation.
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Table updates influences change and jump lists #173

Closed rwblokzijl closed 2 years ago

rwblokzijl commented 4 years ago

Hello all,

When a table is re-adjusted the actions that are used to do so seem to be added to the jump and change lists. This break undo/redo functionality in vim as well as repeat command.

Information about how these fundamental internal vim buffers can be kept clean can be found here: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/327759/how-to-suspend-vim-history

Other than this i love table mode, it is the plugin i use the most. Keep up the good work.

dhruvasagar commented 4 years ago

Hi Thanks for reporting this, I consider this a high priority issue, i'll go looking.

bew commented 2 years ago

Hello, did you make progress on that front? Just started to use this plugin and undo is acting weirdly with auto updates

dhruvasagar commented 2 years ago

@bew I have pushed a fix, kindly test it out and let me know.

rwblokzijl commented 2 years ago

Amazing! What a wonderful christmas present!

rwblokzijl commented 2 years ago

Undos work now, which is great. But the repeat button . doesn't work yet. I don't know if its related to this.

I often append a cell to a collumn (shift + a something |) and want to repeat this for all columns with .. But it does nothing currently.

dhruvasagar commented 2 years ago

@rwblokzijl I am going to take that up separately.