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Privileged based access #2

Open dhruvbaldawa opened 13 years ago

dhruvbaldawa commented 13 years ago

Privileged based access to be implemented in controllers


natang commented 13 years ago

paper privilege done except for the chairperson. Dhruv check into it. Working on authors now.

bangeravivek commented 13 years ago

question: Should track manager be able to see all the authors? or only those who have submitted paper in his/her track?

dhruvbaldawa commented 13 years ago

only his or her track

natang commented 13 years ago

author privilege done except for chairperson. will do it later have to go out. with author privilege i mean, user can see only the authors he is authorized too see.

dhruvbaldawa commented 13 years ago

push the changes

natang commented 13 years ago

i was working on codeigniter branch when u merged the two. so i am pushing it in the same branch.