dhruvbansal / rubix

A Ruby client for configuring and writing to Zabbix
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Removing all periodic monitoring functionality from Rubix #10

Open dhruvbansal opened 11 years ago

dhruvbansal commented 11 years ago

I want to remove all functionality having to do with periodic monitoring of resources and writing data to Zabbix. Code like this is too installation specific. Rubix should provide a simple interface for querying the Zabbix API, not a fully-fledged monitoring framework.

The following files will be deleted:

I will probably leave lib/rubix/sender.rb and spec/rubix/sender_spec.rb alone as you can make the case that the zabbix_sender utility sort of represents an API for Zabbix and so its sensible for Rubix to wrap it.

evtuhovich commented 11 years ago

I think this is okey. I'll add an ruby version of zabbix_sender in future, so it'll be possible to send data to zabbix without creating a pipe to zabbix_sender.

And monitors/* classes seems useless for me too, we just use rubix as simple zabbix API.