dhruvbhagtani / sfc-perturbation-expts

The ocean circulation is driven by a combination of winds and surface buoyancy fluxes. We run a number of experiments with varied surface forcings and look at the spatial variations in ocean circulation on short and long time-scales.
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Flux forced simulations #28

Open dhruvbhagtani opened 2 years ago

dhruvbhagtani commented 2 years ago

We realise that we cannot impose our desired boundary conditions accurately without specifically imposing the fluxes. We begin with a 1 degree ocean-only model which is forced via fluxes obtained from a control simulation. To kickstart, we are beginning with the following time mean surface fluxes:

  1. Wind stresses in x and y directions,
  2. Shortwave radiation,
  3. Longwave radiation,
  4. Sensible heat,
  5. Latent heat,
  6. Surface salinity restoring,
  7. Precipitation (Liquid + Frozen), and
  8. Runoff

These fluxes are enough for a start, with plans to add surface pressure due to ice and atmosphere at a later stage. Some more future works include:

  1. Using time varying fluxes,
  2. Using an eddy-permitting, or even an eddy-resolving ocean model for the simulation.
dhruvbhagtani commented 2 years ago

What is wrong with the short-wave fluxes?? To know more, take a look at this notebook: https://github.com/dhruvbhagtani/varying-surface-forcing/blob/main/Flux_forced_expts/MOM5_swflx_bug.ipynb