dhruvpatidar359 / nextdraw

A WhiteBoard application used for prototyping supports Webscokets
MIT License
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Adding select button to the NextDraw #36

Open Vi-shub opened 2 months ago

Vi-shub commented 2 months ago

The feature request is to enhance the nextdraw feature by adding a selection tool that allows users to select all drawings and notes in one shot, similar to the select button found in software like Paint.

Description of the Feature: The selection tool will enable users to:

->Easily select multiple drawings and notes simultaneously. ->Drag a selection box or click to select multiple items at once. ->Move, resize, or delete the selected items as a group. ->Perform bulk actions such as changing colors, adding annotations, or applying formatting to all selected items.

Solution: The solution involves implementing a selection tool within the nextdraw feature. This tool should provide the following functionality:

->Selection Mechanism: Users can activate the selection tool by clicking on a dedicated button or using a keyboard shortcut. Once activated, they can click and drag to create a selection box or click on individual items to add them to the selection. ->Group Actions: After selecting multiple items, users can perform various actions such as moving, resizing, rotating, or deleting all selected items simultaneously. ->Contextual Menu: A contextual menu or toolbar can provide options for bulk actions, such as changing colors, adding text, duplicating items, or applying styles to selected items.

image @dhruvpatidar359 please assign this to me under GSSoC24

dhruvpatidar359 commented 2 months ago

Hi @Vi-shub , you hit the right issue . I suggest you to break this issue into different sub issues so that they will be counted individully under Gssoc'24 as they themselves holds an amount of work with them . Assigning to you . 👩‍🚀

Vi-shub commented 2 months ago

yes sure, i will break the issue into different sub issues