dhruvrajvanshi / Moonshine

Web framework for Crystal language [DEPRECATED in favour of kemal]
MIT License
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Naming conflict with moonshine ruby deployment tool #2

Open joshgoebel opened 9 years ago

joshgoebel commented 9 years ago

You do realize there is already a Moonshine project in the ruby community right? I realize Crystal != Ruby but thought it might be worth renaming since github is already a little confused about forking and now I have a moonshine and Moonshine-1 repository.

dhruvrajvanshi commented 9 years ago

I didn't know that (I don't really have a ruby background). I'll think of new names. Feel free to suggest some.

mrtryhard commented 9 years ago

CrystalMoon Luna

joshgoebel commented 9 years ago


joshgoebel commented 9 years ago

Maginus? Maraldi? Meggers? Menzel? Messier? Mutus?

From list of craters on the moon: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_craters_on_the_Moon,_L–N#M

mrtryhard commented 9 years ago

First, what is the long term goal of this? Being feature complete or minimalist, or yet to be decided?

Could play on names like

joshgoebel commented 9 years ago

If I can get Crystal to behave and don't find it too limiting I have some pretty large ambitions. I'm not sure they fit with Moonshine's goals, but if not I can fork. I'd like to build enough infrastructure to actually try a small web app:

A lot of the struggler for me is learning to think inside the "must compile" box - which I find pretty tight coming from Ruby. Of course unmentioned there is we need some type of nice data layer if we ever want this to be popular - but maybe that also isn't a goal. I dunno. :-)

I just love Ruby and saw Crystal the other day and have been playing around and seeing what is possible.

mrtryhard commented 9 years ago

I'm pretty sure what you mentionned are feasible. Coming from a compiled-languages environment (C# / C++), my main struggle is learning Crystal syntax and quirks.

While I'm an unexperienced programmer, I'll try my best to contribute with tests/suggestions. I've played with the rock-solid ASP MVC 4 framework, which is huge.

I think, if it is going to be more of a feature complete framework, it might be wise finding a name that is both easy to remember and sounds less minimalistic (sad, because Moonshine wasn't a bad name) :-). I'll try to come with other suggestions later !

joshgoebel commented 9 years ago

I'm pretty sure what you mentionned are feasible.

Feasible and fun might be two different things though.

easy to remember

Yeah, we should pick a good name - just in case. :-)

mrtryhard commented 9 years ago

Lucent ? https://www.google.ca/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=what%20does%20lucent%20mean

It has a great meaning, seems to sound good, and I'm pretty sure we can plug it somewhere. e.g.

The only thing I'm unable to really get is how to find a name that somehow implies web developement/framework/api .

Well, that's some food for thought :^)

dhruvrajvanshi commented 9 years ago

how does Crystalline sound? EDIT: There's already a Crystalline project in Crystal community :(

mrtryhard commented 9 years ago

Yea, that's why I didn't suggest it :-|

mrtryhard commented 9 years ago

MoonShard ?

Kavachaj commented 9 years ago

Maybe "Facet"?

afaur commented 8 years ago

Going off of the shine part of the current name, and tied in to the properties of crystal or glass.

Definitions are taken from google...

Glint - To give out or reflect small flashes of light. A small flash of light, especially as reflected from a shiny surface.

Glimmer - Shine faintly with a wavering light. Ex: "the moonlight glimmered on the lawn". A faint or wavering light.

Gleam - Shine brightly, especially with reflected light. A faint or brief light, especially one reflected from something.

kke commented 8 years ago

Well, since it's "sinatra like".. I went to Wikipedia page about Frank Sinatra and found this:

He got his first break in 1935 when his mother persuaded a local singing group, the 3 Flashes, to let him join. Fred Tamburro, the group's baritone, stated that "Frank hung around us like we were gods or something", admitting that they only took him on board because he owned a car and could chauffeur the group around.

So, my suggestions for the name is Tamburro which yields no hits in GitHub.

kke commented 8 years ago


Sinatra had long been desperate to find a film role which would bring him back into the spotlight, and Columbia Pictures boss Harry Cohn had been inundated by appeals from people across Hollywood to give Sinatra a chance to star as "Maggio" in the film.

So second suggestion: Maggio. Doesn't bring anything relevant in GitHub search.