dhsanket / emote

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#31 #79

Closed ostadhashem closed 10 years ago

ostadhashem commented 10 years ago

After apply this change , it needs to do something:

  1. run AddEmoteIdea.groovy script, it accepts the current configuration of your database in Grails, so if you want to run it in the dev, test, prod, it is the same as you run grails.
  2. in out UI we should add an array, named it goodOrBad, and it has good or bad value + comma, just like expression for example if send expression like this "Small screen, touch, high resolution" you should send in goodOrBad property like "Bad, Good, Good"
  3. for checking in UI , in _emoteTemplate, you can get this property by "emote.goodOrBad" if there is any problem please contact me anytime you want, Regards, Sina