Closed maks-ua closed 1 month ago
After installed the package and run build got some rxjs import errors. Here is one of them:
./node_modules/@dhutaryan/ngx-mat-timepicker/fesm2022/dhutaryan-ngx-mat-timepicker.mjs:521:124-136 - Error: export 'debounceTime' (imported as 'debounceTime') was not found in 'rxjs' (possible exports: ArgumentOutOfRangeError, AsyncSubject, BehaviorSubject, ConnectableObservable, EMPTY, EmptyError, GroupedObservable, NEVER, Notification, NotificationKind, ObjectUnsubscribedError, Observable, ReplaySubject, Scheduler, Subject, Subscriber, Subscription, TimeoutError, UnsubscriptionError, VirtualAction, VirtualTimeScheduler, animationFrame, animationFrameScheduler, asap, asapScheduler, async, asyncScheduler, bindCallback, bindNodeCallback, combineLatest, concat, config, defer, empty, forkJoin, from, fromEvent, fromEventPattern, generate, identity, iif, interval, isObservable, merge, never, noop, observable, of, onErrorResumeNext, pairs, partition, pipe, queue, queueScheduler, race, range, scheduled, throwError, timer, using, zip)
Install rxjs package didnt help.
I'm not sure if the problem is in my code. Never had that before. Could you give me some advice?
"@dhutaryan/ngx-mat-timepicker": "^17.6.0" Angular v17 node: 20.16.0 | 18.20.4
Hey, what version of rxjs do you use? I can suggest to remove node_modules, lock file and install dependencies again. It might help.
@maks-ua how is it going? Did you fix your issue?
After installed the package and run build got some rxjs import errors. Here is one of them:
./node_modules/@dhutaryan/ngx-mat-timepicker/fesm2022/dhutaryan-ngx-mat-timepicker.mjs:521:124-136 - Error: export 'debounceTime' (imported as 'debounceTime') was not found in 'rxjs' (possible exports: ArgumentOutOfRangeError, AsyncSubject, BehaviorSubject, ConnectableObservable, EMPTY, EmptyError, GroupedObservable, NEVER, Notification, NotificationKind, ObjectUnsubscribedError, Observable, ReplaySubject, Scheduler, Subject, Subscriber, Subscription, TimeoutError, UnsubscriptionError, VirtualAction, VirtualTimeScheduler, animationFrame, animationFrameScheduler, asap, asapScheduler, async, asyncScheduler, bindCallback, bindNodeCallback, combineLatest, concat, config, defer, empty, forkJoin, from, fromEvent, fromEventPattern, generate, identity, iif, interval, isObservable, merge, never, noop, observable, of, onErrorResumeNext, pairs, partition, pipe, queue, queueScheduler, race, range, scheduled, throwError, timer, using, zip)
Install rxjs package didnt help.
I'm not sure if the problem is in my code. Never had that before. Could you give me some advice?
"@dhutaryan/ngx-mat-timepicker": "^17.6.0" Angular v17 node: 20.16.0 | 18.20.4