dhwalker / FedWikiCleanup

Issue tracking for the cleaning up Incommon Federation wiki information
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IdP Deployment Checklist - Miscellaneous from Nick Roy #12

Closed dhwalker closed 6 years ago

dhwalker commented 6 years ago
Subject: Re: The promised backlog

Thu, 17 May 2018 10:37:01 -0700 Nick Roy nroy@internet2.edu David Walker dwalker@internet2.edu, Dean Woodbeck woodbeck@internet2.edu, Ann West awest@internet2.edu, Tom Barton tbarton@uchicago.edu, John Krienke jcwk@internet2.edu, Angi Sizemore avs@internet2.edu, Emily Eisbruch emily@internet2.edu

I've reviewed all of this and left comments at the bottom of each page. Let me know if I was incoherent :-)

There is one issue (the deployment checklist for IdPs) that I did not have time to look at. There is another page somewhere called 'new IdPs in metadata' that you should look at and see if you think these things can be deduped. New IdPs in metadata is a good/up-to-date document but doesn't necessarily cover things exhaustively.


On 5/10/18 10:02 AM, David Walker wrote:


As promised, here's a backlog of content reviews for the InCommon Federation wiki space. There are a number of them (though some very small), so I've divided them into two groups with staggered due dates for your feedback. Of course, you're welcome to get everything out of the way in one shot.

Ann has suggested getting community feedback on what we're doing here.
I wouldn't want to do a general solicitation until the end (early-mid June?), as the links among pages don't stay within specific sections, so people will be reviewing pages we haven't gotten to yet. We could, though, add some new-to-InCommon people to these section-focused (and time-bounded) requests for feedback. Do any of you have thoughts of who we could invite?

As always, thanks for putting time into this.


On 05/02/2018 03:27 PM, Nick Roy wrote:

Hi David, I'll try to get to these reviews yet this week.


On 5/2/18 12:06 AM, David Walker wrote:

FYI, I've finished revising the eduGAIN https://spaces.internet2.edu/display/InCFederation/eduGAIN and Federation Manager https://spaces.internet2.edu/display/InCFederation/Federation+Manager sections the InCommon Federation wiki space. Notes are in Review - eduGAINhttps://spaces.internet2.edu/x/aweMBw and Review - Federation Managerhttps://spaces.internet2.edu/x/gQeMBw.

I've also reviewed the Federation Services https://spaces.internet2.edu/display/InCFederation/Federation+Services section; proposed changes and a couple of questions in red are in Review - Federation Services https://spaces.internet2.edu/display/%7Edwalker@internet2.edu/Review+-+Federation+Services. I realize you've got Global Summit coming up, but if you can take a look before you leave for San Diego, I could make the revisions next week. In any event, I'll keep reviewing more sections next week, so expect a backlog.


On 04/27/2018 03:56 PM, Dean Woodbeck wrote:

I finished reviewing this, too. FWIW, I agree with gutting the eduGAIN section, too. I think someone with the technical knowledge could probably shorten the delegated admin stuff, but I'm not that guy. > > Dean > > On 4/27/18, 5:48 PM, "Nick Roy"nroy@internet2.edu wrote: > I've put comments on the review pages, also I agree with gutting the eduGAIN section.



On 4/27/18 10:55 AM, David Walker wrote:

I'm going to give you all some more time to review what I plan to do for the eduGAIN https://spaces.internet2.edu/display/InCFederation/eduGAIN and Federation Manager <https://spaces.internet2.edu/display/InCFederation/Federation+Manager

sections the InCommon Federation wiki space, as I need input on a number

of questions, which I have now highlighted in bold red in:

Note also that I'm proposing to gut eduGAIN https://spaces.internet2.edu/display/InCFederation/eduGAIN, moving only a few of its pages into the Metadata Administration section and deprecating the rest (but leaving for historical interest), as the bulk of that section is about the project to integrate eduGAIN into InCommon. Is Tuesday too soon for responses? David

dhwalker commented 6 years ago

Perhaps useful comment on key rollover...

Subject: RE: [External] Re: [TAC-InC] Fwd: a glimpse into our world

Fri, 18 May 2018 21:52:28 +0000 Eric Goodman Eric.Goodman@ucop.edu tac@incommon.org tac@incommon.org tac@incommon.org

That's more complicated than what I meant. I mean just do standard key rollover, the way we tell clients to do it, but schedule it to happen (and update metadata) automatically every X days.

https://spaces.internet2.edu/display/InCFederation/Certificate+Migration says to wait 1-14 days after publication of the new cert to actually roll the certificate in your Shib config, so pick a duration between 1 and 14 days, and roll the certs rollover on that frequency.

The suggestion of doing it daily was to match Judith's suggested "it works today and it works tomorrow" use case. how long a tester needs to wait to run a second test to validate their software config for consuming metadata properly. The value of doing it less frequently is that it gives a longer "stable" time to support testers that can't do rollover or automatic metadata processing, but can support other functions.

--- Eric

-----Original Message----- From: tac-request@incommon.org tac-request@incommon.org On Behalf Of Nick Roy Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2018 10:42 AM To: tac@incommon.org Subject: Re: [External] Re: [TAC-InC] Fwd: a glimpse into our world

Never mind re: separate validUntil on each entity descriptor, even with per entity metadata that would not work to have duplicate entityDescriptors using different validity dates. I don't know what I was thinking. But the expiration date in certs is still not something we want to use for testing, other than to test that software is ignoring it.


On 5/17/18 11:39 AM, Nick Roy wrote:

So you'd have separate validUntil for each entityDescriptor? Good SAML software ignores the validity window and other miscellaneous non-key material in certs in metadata, so setting expiration dates on certs actually tests for successful implementation of an anti-pattern that we do not want software to use.


On 5/17/18 11:35 AM, Eric Goodman wrote:

Well, I actually meant roll over the keys every day. So every day's metadata would have today's and tomorrow's key in there with a "tomorrow" expiration time, then you would actually rollover the test system's key on the next day (and add a new "tomorrow" key), ad infinitum.

Whether the rollover timeframe is one day (today/tomorrow) or something else (this week/next week) is probably negotiable.

--- Eric

-----Original Message----- From: tac-request@incommon.org tac-request@incommon.org On Behalf Of Nick Roy Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2018 8:57 AM To: tac@incommon.org Subject: Re: [External] Re: [TAC-InC] Fwd: a glimpse into our world

That means we have to prevent them from testing the day they publish metadata. There's no way to do that, but I guess the perfect is the enemy of the good enough.

On 5/16/18 4:11 PM, Eric Goodman wrote:

Change the test system's keys every day?

--- Eric

-----Original Message----- From: tac-request@incommon.org tac-request@incommon.org On Behalf Of Nick Roy Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2018 3:05 PM To: tac@incommon.org Subject: Re: [External] Re: [TAC-InC] Fwd: a glimpse into our world

I'll add that too. So what if this happens, though?

Someone sets up their test IdP, adds its metadata to the test federation, downloads the metadata that day (with that day's keys), manually configures their IdP with that metadata, and it passes.

They never come back $tomorrow or $theDayAfterThat and try to test again. "It worked!"

I hate the idea of implementing things that don't fix the problem I'm trying to solve in a bullet-proof way, because leaving a crack open for people to pass tests with less than compliant software gives them reason to file a support ticket when their crap breaks later.

I guess I should not be designing for people to be clever, which is why I like Judith's suggestion of dropping requests from browsers on the floor. We just have to never tell anyone about wget or curl.


On 5/16/18 3:37 PM, Cantor, Scott wrote:

Having the test IDP's certs change every day, and the test IDP and SPs rotate through endpoints would be intriguing.

Pretty much what you have to do.

But I know how much work it takes to do real interop harnesses and that's why I never meant to sign anybody up for that job.

dhwalker commented 6 years ago

Also, consider how this relates to New IdPs in Metadata