dhylands / rshell

Remote Shell for MicroPython
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add "soft reboot" command from rshell #187

Open vvladic opened 2 years ago

vvladic commented 2 years ago

It would be great if there was a machine.soft_reset() / "Ctrl-D in REPL" command available in rshell... ideally with some shortcut... Ctrl-

dhylands commented 2 years ago

You can do this by using the repl command to enter the REPL and then typing Control-D. This is why the REPL uses Control-X (rather than Control-D) to exit the repl and go back to the regular command mode.

vvladic commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your quick answer. I know, I just thought it would be very convenient to be able to do this without entering REPL. On my ESP32, I can also press reset button, or do what you said, and it works. On RP2 Pico, there is no reset button, and if I try to enter REPL while Pico is printing something to it, everything just freezes, and I have to power cycle the board to reset the serial port. This is on Win10... I can try it on Linux later, maybe there it will work better.

vvladic commented 2 years ago

Same thing on Ubuntu. If the current thread on Pico is "blocking" REPL, you can only interrupt it if your first character is Ctrl-C, every other key or key combination just causes it to freeze, after which even Ctrl-C does not work any more. This is not the case on ESP32.

dhylands commented 2 years ago

Anytime that rshell sends a command to the microcontroller, the microcontroller goes through a soft-reboot process.

So even a simple ls command cause the microcontroller to go through at least one soft-reboot cycle.

If Control-C doesn't work, then a soft reboot won't work either.

The way rshell works is that for every command that needs to get information to/from the microcontroller it goes through a process of entering and exiting the raw repl, which involves sending a Control-C then a Control-A to enter the raw repl, then a Control-D to do a soft-reset, then it sends the command it wants to execute and finally a Control-B to exit the raw repl.

The act of starting rshell requires sending at least 6 different commands to establish communications with the board, so by the time you get to the rshell prompt, the board will have gone through 6 soft-reboots.

krytie75 commented 1 year ago

You can do this by using the repl command to enter the REPL and then typing Control-D

I'm trying to update the code on a Pico via rshell in a bash script (the Pico and host are remote), so I can't send Control-D. I've tried sending dummy ls commands, as well as entering and immediately exiting the repl but the Pico is not resetting. Have I misunderstood?

Example: rshell cp main.py /pyboard/main.py rshell repl~

dhylands commented 1 year ago

Hmm. I think the problem is that when rshell does a soft-reboot it's doing it with the raw-repl, and when that happens micropython doesn't run main.py

If you create a file called reset.py with the following contents:

import machine

Then you could do: rshell 'cp main.py reset.py /pyboard/; repl ~ import reset ~'