dhylands / upy-shell

MicroPython shell
MIT License
37 stars 9 forks source link

Dev #1

Closed turbinenreiter closed 9 years ago

turbinenreiter commented 9 years ago

Note that commit 20e2d0c will not work without 99ea6e5

turbinenreiter commented 9 years ago

"With normal ls, -a shows all files, visible and invisible." That's what I intended it to do ... . Did I turn it around?

Regarding pep8 - you are totally right. I was working on my Chromebook, where I haven't yet installed all the right tools. Will mind that from now on.

dhylands commented 9 years ago

"With normal ls, -a shows all files, visible and invisible." That's what I intended it to do ... . Did I turn it around?

Nope - it seems to be working properly. The only thing I discovered is that ls foo will do ls of . as well as ls of foo.

ls should only do ls . if no arguments are provided.