dhylands / upy-shell

MicroPython shell
MIT License
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added mkdir/rm #3

Closed turbinenreiter closed 9 years ago

turbinenreiter commented 9 years ago
turbinenreiter commented 9 years ago

Also moved the handling of the output redirection operator to be handled by line_to_args and postcmd.

Now if there is > in the args, stdout goes to the file. postcmd closes the file and sets stdout back to the shell. Much easier that way.

turbinenreiter commented 9 years ago

ls -l throws an error on the line localtime = time.localtime(mtime)

TypeError: function takes 0 positional arguments, 1 were given

dhylands commented 9 years ago

ls -l throws an error on the line localtime = time.localtime(mtime)

TypeError: function takes 0 positional arguments, 1 were given

Yeah - it needs #813 which hasn't been merged yet.

dhylands commented 9 years ago

Oops - different repository for #813 doesn't autofill. https://github.com/micropython/micropython/pull/813