di-huang / Amazon-Warehouse-System

Simplified version of the Amazon Warehouse System.
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Objects at certain points #8

Open NickEBarnes opened 7 years ago

NickEBarnes commented 7 years ago

I could be off but don't we need the points to contain objects of the different types? maybe we are doing it, I will communicate in class. I just wanted this reminder

di-huang commented 7 years ago

Our design pattern is different from professor's, because our program creates a new point when we need it rather than (Floor) generates a collection of static points since beginning.

weigui commented 7 years ago

You mean a map class?

di-huang commented 7 years ago

If you see Ted's code, you will find this in his MockFloor.java: wechatimg1 Clearly, his code creates all points and make each point as a cell (you can find a class called Cell in his demo project), and cell is able to hold object, such as shelf, robot...However, our program just creates a new point temporarily when we actually need it to locate object, compare location or other functions.