We use semanic branchnames like:
feature/PROJECT-123-a-nice-new-feature or bug/PROJECT-456-oh-no-a-bug that will contain the Project ID and its Ticket Number.
The Project ID and Ticket-number are also referenced in the Commits, making it easy to link them in the Ticket. So a commit would look like the following:
chore(package.json) updates some dependencies.
feat(src/components/someComponent.tsx) Implement awesome feature
It would be nice to be able to do that with opencommit
We use semanic branchnames like:
that will contain the Project ID and its Ticket Number. The Project ID and Ticket-number are also referenced in the Commits, making it easy to link them in the Ticket. So a commit would look like the following:It would be nice to be able to do that with opencommit