diablodale / dp.kinect2

Kinect v2 (XBox One) plugin for Cycling '74 Max
21 stars 4 forks source link

dp.kinect2 registration #11

Closed kenbyers closed 9 years ago

kenbyers commented 9 years ago

Hi Dale

Same problem again! I am running on Win 8.1 with Kinect v2 all working.

I open Max 7 as I want to run OSC and I cant do that on Max x64. I open my registered copy of dp.kinect2, click on Ken Byers my registered name, then click on my dpreg, then it comes up again, so I click again then click on start, not working. Max console error either not registered or registration expired. I then click on trial version which I newly downloaded as you suggested, trying both exclamation marks on " Trial", and just Trial, clicked on start, nothing running both times, same errors!

Hope you can help



diablodale commented 9 years ago

From your description, I see no failures. It seems to be doing what it was designed to do. Trials are one-time for 14 days. Multiple trials are not granted.

I will need much more information. Please reference https://github.com/diablodale/dp.kinect2/issues/1 step by step. Everything as if I am a 90 year old person that has never seen a computer before. Every install. Every click. Every download and version. For example, it is unclear what Max you are running. Every file you load or access. For example, what is the filename of the registration dpreg file? Exact text of the Max window.

In addition, please enable @verbose 1. This additional warnings/error information can help you and me to understand why registration is not allowed.

kenbyers commented 9 years ago

Hi Dale

Computer and OS

x58 Motherboard, x64 Intel i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz 2.67 GHz Win 8.1 x64 NVidia GTX 960 SC Transend PDU USB 3.0 PCI card Kinect for Windows SDK 2.0 Kinect v2 Max 7 registered dp.kinectv2 - dp.kinect2-428.dpreg

  1. I clicked on register my "Ken Byers" , without inverted commas.
  2. clicked on dp.kinect2-428.dpreg
  3. clicked on dp.kinect2-428.dpreg as folder open again after clicked. 4 clicked start 5 rgb and depthmap did not open

Hope you can help

Ken Byers

Please see errors

screenshot 1 screenshot 2

diablodale commented 9 years ago

I believe your issue is you are trying to use your dp.kinect2 license with an old beta. The license you purchased is good for one computer running v1.x of dp.kinect2. The screenshot above demonstrates you are trying to use it with an old beta v0.35. Please download a current version of dp.kinect2 (the most current is v1.0.1) from https://hidale.com/shop/dp-kinect2/ so that you can use your license.

If you continue to encounter problems using v1.x of dp.kinect2, please repeat the information you provided above using v1.x and we can continue troubleshooting.