diablodale / dp.kinect2

Kinect v2 (XBox One) plugin for Cycling '74 Max
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orientformat 2 matrix hierarchical (not supported) #13

Closed jeremybailey closed 8 years ago

jeremybailey commented 8 years ago

Confused why I can't seem to select orientformat 2 matrix hierarchical, it says (not supported)

"matrix hierarchical (not supported)"

would really love my data in this format instead of quats. is this a known issue?

diablodale commented 8 years ago

It is...not supported. ;-) Microsoft dropped that feature on the Kinectv2 SDK. Because of the very low need, I did not implement it by hand myself. It is possible for you to calculate these yourself using the hierarchy of joints + the quaternion hierarchical values dp.kinect2 provides. And max has objects, like jit.anim.node, which can accept the quat hierarchical rotations...they can even output matrices if you want them.

diablodale commented 8 years ago

Hello. I added a full suite of joint orientation data to dp.kinect2. You can test it with the v1.1 beta from the usual download location http://hidale.com/shop/dp-kinect2/