diablodale / dp.kinect2

Kinect v2 (XBox One) plugin for Cycling '74 Max
21 stars 4 forks source link

smoothing value crash max when dp.kinect2 is closed #19

Closed singularmoments closed 8 years ago

singularmoments commented 8 years ago

Setup Shenker (Clevo) W705 laptop with 16 GB RAM, 2 x 500GB SSD drive, Intel i7_4790S cpu Windows 10 x64 with all current updates

Installed Kinect SDK v2.0_1409 Speech and language pack US ES FR Installed Max 7.1 x64 and it is registered

crash with all versions : dp.kinect2 v1.0.1 _ dp.kinect2beta1.1.20160307.0

Step to reproduce:

open dp.kinect2 and start metro close it and stop metro send dp.kinect2 _ smoothing 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.05 0.04 crash

it seems that it crashes only after having been started 1 time and only when its closed. if dp.kinect2 is open, it does not crash receiving the smoothing value

diablodale commented 8 years ago

Please provide the additional information requested as in https://github.com/diablodale/dp.kinect2/issues/1. For example, I need to know your setup.

singularmoments commented 8 years ago

diablodale commented 8 years ago

Thank you. I isolated and fixed the bug. The fix will be available in the next beta release after 1.1.20160307.0 Until then, you can set the smoothing by 1) typing it on the object itself 2) sending the smoothing message before the first open 3) sending the smoothing message any time dp.kinect2 is open and running

diablodale commented 8 years ago

I've released beta v1.1.20160324.0. It has this bug fix on it. Usual download location https://hidale.com/shop/dp-kinect2/

If you encounter this bug again, I request you reply on this issue so I can investigate it