diablodale / dp.kinect2

Kinect v2 (XBox One) plugin for Cycling '74 Max
21 stars 4 forks source link

Genreal acces denied #24

Closed sebbeJoly closed 8 years ago

sebbeJoly commented 8 years ago

I bought a license Dpkinect2 and it is impossible to enregsitrer me. In the Max console, it says " General access denied error. hr = 0x80070005·"

Have you an idea of the problem?

For the moment i run Max 7 Trial...

diablodale commented 8 years ago

There are no known issues related to a Max 7 trial. However, it has not been tested. Please read https://github.com/diablodale/dp.kinect2/issues/1 and provide all the needed information.