diablodale / dp.kinect2

Kinect v2 (XBox One) plugin for Cycling '74 Max
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Registration stopped working; @verbose=1 output shows RG: 167772160 #35

Closed emm-ess closed 7 years ago

emm-ess commented 7 years ago

Setup: OS: Win 8.1 Pro x64 with all Updates Processor: Intel i7-4770K RAM: 32GB Kinect-SDK: 2.0.1410.19000 Max: 7.3.2 x64 (regisitered) dp.kinect2: 1.1.20170110

Step 1: . start Max . open project which also opens patch with dp.kinect2 -> Max console output:

viddll.engine version: 1.0.7
dp.kinect2 v1.1.20170110.0 Win64, Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Dale Phurrough. This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
-All rights reserved except for those documented in the dp.kinect2 terms at http://hidale.com and granted by purchase/agreement to any entity listed as registered below.
-Compiled with Eigen 3.2.8 licensed under Mozilla Public License, v2.0. Source code & license at http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/
dp.kinect2 is not registered or has expired. Register your key or visit http://hidale.com for purchase and support.
kinect performance caution: power setting (USB selective suspend) should be disabled
kinect performance caution: power setting (Minimum processor state) should be 100%
kinect performance caution: power setting (Intel Graphics Power Plan) should be maximum performance

Step 2 (trying to reregister): . open dp.kinect2 help . open register tab . enter registration name ("Marten Schälicke" copied from mail and in a retry of the step manually entered) . select license-file (dp.kinect2-595.dpreg) -> Max console output:

dp.kinect2: RG: 167772160 RV: 0
dp.kinect2: dp.kinect2 is not registered or has expired. Register your key or visit http://hidale.com for purchase and support.

Step 3 (verbose output): . add @verbose 1 to dp.kinect2 object in patch from step 1 -> Max console output:

dp.kinect2: dp.kinect2 is not registered or has expired. Register your key or visit http://hidale.com for purchase and support.
dp.kinect2: General access denied error. hr=0x80070005

Step 4 (try trial): . open dp.kinect2 help . open register tab . click "register trial" -> same output as in step 1

current changes on PC (on the weekend): . after a long long time installed Windows Updates . updated Max . updated dp.kinect2 . installed dp.kinect2 face-tracking support -> but I have in mind that it still worked after these changes.

changes today: . restructured & moved directory for Max-Externals (put dp.kinect2 in the directory "~/Dokumente/Max 7/Packages", included a volume/harddrive change) -> hadn't checked if dp.kinect2 worked before that

. otherwise no change in domain-name or user-account

additional info: . license bought on 1.3.16

hopefully that is everything needed.

Thanks in advance marten

yaki4 commented 7 years ago

I have the same issue since the update 7.3.2 of max

diablodale commented 7 years ago

A workaround is to turn off networking at the time you are registering. For example, disable your wifi or unplug your ethernet cable. It will grant a temporary registration. Then, you can enable your networking.

This is related to the global failures happening today with Amazon Web Services. Only customers trying to register a new install of dp.kinect2 would encounter a problem. Or for a subset of customers that upgraded dp.kinect2.

I planned for this (AWS failing) so the workaround I provided above should work for you. :-) Please do reply that it worked or not.

emm-ess commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the fast reply. And it worked.

yaki4 commented 7 years ago

Same here.

Thanks for the fast reply.

It works fine.

diablodale commented 4 years ago

The just released v1.2 of dp.kinect2 includes client-side changes to better handle the specific catastrophic AWS failure that occurred on this date. (Server-side changes have been in place for a few years.) You can download it from https://hidale.com/shop/dp-kinect2/