diablodiab / libretro-scummvm-backend

libretro backend for scummvm
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Only software renderer available #8

Open dhwz opened 2 years ago

dhwz commented 2 years ago

The core is behaving really slow compared to the standalone SDL2 version, seems only the software renderer is available and can be used? Did I miss something?

i30817 commented 2 years ago

The same problem exists in the core on libretro. It's not easy to port 3d renderers to libretro and it's a major reason why cores get 'out of date' and can't just pull upstream (like this core does). You can see the same problem on other libretro cores like dolphin, pcsx2.

This core made that tradeoff, and i kind of wonder if a 3d renderer would be accepted, if it started breaking often from upstream changes.

Mind you, since this core isn't part of libretro, maybe they can make it easier (like for example, not insisting to port the upstream renderer to C89 because someone really wants to run everything on the xbox or other 6th generation consoles. I don't know if libretro/scummvm actually ported to C89 but i suspect so considering it's 39.000 commits behind (most of all libretro projects), so the main obstacle to a 3d renderer may not apply in this core.

i30817 commented 2 years ago

BTW, there is some experimentation in upstream that may make a opengl renderer easier to make if it's expanded and merged: https://github.com/scummvm/scummvm/pull/3837

In that it wouldn't have to be done twice, because the code for 'opengl 2d' and 'opengl 3d' is being merged (besides opengl 3d using tinygl if i recall correctly).

diablodiab commented 2 years ago

I think the main challenge with getting this implemented is that there doesn't seem much interested in maintaining the official core at the moment and implementing this type of functionality is beyond my capabilities.