diablomedia / useragent-parser-comparison

Application to compare and benchmark UserAgent parsing libraries
MIT License
6 stars 4 forks source link

Errors on console compare #109

Open GeekZebre opened 5 years ago

GeekZebre commented 5 years ago

When I launch ./bin/console compare , I have:

$ ./bin/console compare
These are all of the tests available, choose which you would like to run
| Test Suite       |
| browscap         |
| browser-detector |
| curated          |
| donatj           |
| endorphin        |
| piwik            |
| sinergi          |
| ua-parser        |
| uaparserjs       |
| whichbrowser     |
| woothee          |
| yzalis           |
| zsxsoft          |
Choose which test suites to run, separate multiple with commas (press enter to use all)
  [0 ] browscap
  [1 ] browser-detector
  [2 ] curated
  [3 ] donatj
  [4 ] endorphin
  [5 ] piwik
  [6 ] sinergi
  [7 ] ua-parser
  [8 ] uaparserjs
  [9 ] whichbrowser
  [10] woothee
  [11] yzalis
  [12] zsxsoft
  [13] All Suites
Choose which parsers you would like to run this test suite against
| Name                           | Language   | Data Source      |
| 3rd-Eden useragent.js          | JavaScript | uaparser         |
| bowser JS 2.x                  | JavaScript |                  |
| Browscap JS 1.x                | JavaScript | browscap         |
| Browscap JS 2.x                | JavaScript | browscap         |
| Browscap JS 3.x                | JavaScript | browscap         |
| Browscap JS 4.x                | JavaScript | browscap         |
| Browscap PHP 2.x               | PHP        | browscap         |
| Browscap PHP 3.x Full File     | PHP        | browscap         |
| Browscap PHP 3.x Lite File     | PHP        | browscap         |
| Browscap PHP 3.x Standard File | PHP        | browscap         |
| Browscap PHP 4.x Full File     | PHP        | browscap         |
| Browscap PHP 4.x Lite File     | PHP        | browscap         |
| Browscap PHP 4.x Standard File | PHP        | browscap         |
| browser-detect JS 0.x          | JavaScript |                  |
| Browser Detector 5.0           | PHP        | browser-detector |
| Crossjoin Browscap 1.x         | PHP        | browscap         |
| Crossjoin Browscap 2.x         | PHP        | browscap         |
| Crossjoin Browscap 3.x         | PHP        | browscap         |
| detect-browser JS 4.x          | JavaScript |                  |
| Device Detector JS 1.x         | JavaScript | piwik            |
| Device Detector for Nodejs 0.x | JavaScript | piwik            |
| DonatJ PhpUserAgent 0.x        | PHP        | donatj           |
| Endorphin Browser Detector 3.x | PHP        | endorphin        |
| express-useragent JS 1.x       | JavaScript |                  |
| ua-device JS 0.x               | JavaScript |                  |
| Jenssegers Agent               | PHP        | jenssegers       |
| PHP Native get_browser         | PHP        | browscap         |
| Piwik Device Detector 3.x      | PHP        | piwik            |
| Sinergi Browser Detector       | PHP        | sinergi          |
| UA Parser PHP 3.x              | PHP        | uaparser         |
| UAParser.js                    | JavaScript | uaparserjs       |
| WhichBrowser JS 0.x            | JavaScript | whichbrowser     |
| WhichBrowser PHP 2.x           | PHP        | whichbrowser     |
| Wolfcast BrowserDetection      | PHP        |                  |
| Woothee JS Parser 1.x          | JavaScript | woothee          |
| Woothee PHP Parser 1.x         | PHP        | woothee          |
| yzalis UAParser                | PHP        | yzalis           |
| ZsxSoft PHP UserAgent          | PHP        | zsxsoft          |
Choose which parsers to use, separate multiple with commas (press enter to use all)
  [0 ] 3rd-Eden useragent.js
  [1 ] Browscap JS 1.x
  [2 ] Browscap JS 2.x
  [3 ] Browscap JS 3.x
  [4 ] Browscap JS 4.x
  [5 ] Browscap PHP 2.x
  [6 ] Browscap PHP 3.x Full File
  [7 ] Browscap PHP 3.x Lite File
  [8 ] Browscap PHP 3.x Standard File
  [9 ] Browscap PHP 4.x Full File
  [10] Browscap PHP 4.x Lite File
  [11] Browscap PHP 4.x Standard File
  [12] Browser Detector 5.0
  [13] Crossjoin Browscap 1.x
  [14] Crossjoin Browscap 2.x
  [15] Crossjoin Browscap 3.x
  [16] Device Detector JS 1.x
  [17] Device Detector for Nodejs 0.x
  [18] DonatJ PhpUserAgent 0.x
  [19] Endorphin Browser Detector 3.x
  [20] Jenssegers Agent
  [21] PHP Native get_browser
  [22] Piwik Device Detector 3.x
  [23] Sinergi Browser Detector
  [24] UA Parser PHP 3.x
  [25] UAParser.js
  [26] WhichBrowser JS 0.x
  [27] WhichBrowser PHP 2.x
  [28] Wolfcast BrowserDetection
  [29] Woothee JS Parser 1.x
  [30] Woothee PHP Parser 1.x
  [31] ZsxSoft PHP UserAgent
  [32] bowser JS 2.x
  [33] browser-detect JS 0.x
  [34] detect-browser JS 4.x
  [35] express-useragent JS 1.x
  [36] ua-device JS 0.x
  [37] yzalis UAParser
  [38] All Parsers
Generating data for the browscap test suite... There was an error with the output from the browscap test suite.
Generating data for the browser-detector test suite... There was an error with the output from the browser-detector test suite.
Generating data for the curated test suite... There was an error with the output from the curated test suite.
Generating data for the donatj test suite... There was an error with the output from the donatj test suite.
Generating data for the endorphin test suite... There was an error with the output from the endorphin test suite.
Generating data for the piwik test suite... There was an error with the output from the piwik test suite.
Generating data for the sinergi test suite... There was an error with the output from the sinergi test suite.
Generating data for the ua-parser test suite... There was an error with the output from the ua-parser test suite.
Generating data for the uaparserjs test suite... There was an error with the output from the uaparserjs test suite.
Generating data for the whichbrowser test suite... There was an error with the output from the whichbrowser test suite.
Generating data for the woothee test suite... There was an error with the output from the woothee test suite.
Generating data for the yzalis test suite... There was an error with the output from the yzalis test suite.
Generating data for the zsxsoft test suite... There was an error with the output from the zsxsoft test suite.
Parsing complete, data stored in 20190327103055 directory
Normalizing data from test run: 20190327103055
Normalized files written to the test run's directory
Analyzing data from test run: 20190327103055
Error in options file for this test run
There was an error executing the "analyze" command, cannot continue.

A new console window is open when the 'build.sh' is called. Is it te good behaviour ?


mimmi20 commented 5 years ago

@GeekZebre Did you call bin/prepare or bin/update before?

mimmi20 commented 5 years ago

@GeekZebre Do you use Linux? Which PHP/node version?

GeekZebre commented 5 years ago

@mimmi20 Yes, I called bin/prepare.

I'm on Windows 10 with PHP 7.2 and node 8.11.1

$ php -version
PHP 7.2.8 (cli) (built: Jul 18 2018 10:03:03) ( ZTS MSVC15 (Visual C++ 2017) x64 )
Copyright (c) 1997-2018 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2018 Zend Technologies
    with Xdebug v2.6.1, Copyright (c) 2002-2018, by Derick Rethans
$ node -v
mimmi20 commented 5 years ago

Did that work? On my system, Windows doesn't handle .sh files.

GeekZebre commented 5 years ago

I use Git Bash to launch ! (MINGW64)

mimmi20 commented 5 years ago

I cannot reproduce this. I dont have installed php, node and the other required tool on my local machine, only in the vm.

GeekZebre commented 5 years ago

"The vm" ? I don't see anything about a vm in the documentation. This is your personnal vm ?

What does the behaviour of this line ? https://github.com/diablomedia/useragent-parser-comparison/blob/5c4c7b0c4be2b75a5af80eea62ce652bf48f8b6c/src/Command/Test.php#L126

A new window is open ?

In my case, a new windows is open. In the new window, the json is output. But it's seem that the content is not transmit to the original windows.

What is your behaviour ?

mimmi20 commented 5 years ago

"The vm" ? I don't see anything about a vm in the documentation. This is your personnal vm ?

yes, my personell VM.

GeekZebre commented 5 years ago

And the behaviour must be ?

mimmi20 commented 5 years ago

What does the behaviour of this line ?

Each parser has a file parse.sh. This is a shell script which initializes and starts the parsing of the test useragents. $testData['path'] is the parser directory. $testOutput contains the parsing result, which is a huge json.

GeekZebre commented 5 years ago

It's seem that $testOutput is empty for me.

GeekZebre commented 5 years ago

@mimmi20 I found a solution :

By example, replace shell_exec( $testData['path'] . '/build.sh')); by shell_exec( 'sh '. $testData['path'] . '/build.sh'));

On windows, when we are passing 'shell_exec' a filepath, this is not interpreted as "execute the file at this path". https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7397672/how-to-run-a-sh-file-from-php

On windows, we must add the command 'sh' before the filepath oh the sh file.

There are 2 'shell_exec' in the code + 1 in your pull request.