diachron / quality

Dataset Quality Assessment (part of WP5 of the Diachron EU FP7 project)
MIT License
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Make rdfs:labels in dqm vocabulary more human-readable #19

Closed clange closed 10 years ago

clange commented 10 years ago

As discussed with @jerdeb: several rdfs:labels in the dqm vocabulary (e.g. [this one](https://github.com/diachron/quality/blob/master/src/main/resources/vocabularies/dqm/dqm.trig#L235 this one)) are rather machine than human friendly. Please rephrase them. Often this seems as easy as RemovingTheCamelCase.

s-londono commented 10 years ago

OK, all occurrences of property rdfs:label in dqm, have been rephrased to make them human-readable.