diachron / quality

Dataset Quality Assessment (part of WP5 of the Diachron EU FP7 project)
MIT License
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Use of PageRank and Jenkins Hash #39

Closed jerdeb closed 10 years ago

jerdeb commented 10 years ago

Would it be possible to use the libraries specifically rather than reimplementing (or reusing) the classes. For graph algorithms there is the Jung Library (http://jung.sourceforge.net) which I used and I find it very useful. If you require it, I can add the the pom dependency for you

clange commented 10 years ago

@jerdeb I'm not sure this ticket's comment matches its title.

By saying “would it be possible to … rather than …” are you referring to a concrete situation, or thinking into the future? If there is a concrete situation I think it will help to link to the relevant Issues or the affected parts of the implementation.

Thanks for helping me to understand this Issue!

jerdeb commented 10 years ago

I was referring to the java classes /quality/src/main/java/de/unibonn/iai/eis/diachron/qualitymetrics/utilities/GoogleSeoHelper.java and /quality/src/main/java/de/unibonn/iai/eis/diachron/qualitymetrics/utilities/JenkinsHash.java

muhammadaliqasmi commented 10 years ago

GoogleSeoHelper.java, JenkinsHash.java are not used any more therefore removed from their respective package.