Closed chref closed 3 years ago
I stumbled on this when I got the same error as mentioned in #247. I had previously requested a certificate for "" and "*" using a different client. Now I wanted to request a new certificate for "" and "" with acme_tiny. Since the "" authorization was still valid (and had previously been performed with dns-01 challenge), acme_tiny was unable to re-validate it.
This small change simply skips any authorizations that are still currently valid.
Something like this is needed. I'm currently working on a CI that tests something that uses acme-tiny (it uses Pebble as a CA server), and I created two certs, one for
, the second for
, and creating the second cert errors out because the challenge for
was already valid.
Parsing account key...
Parsing CSR...
Found domains:,
Getting directory...
Directory found!
Registering account...
Already registered!
Creating new order...
Order created!
Verifying verified!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/root/ansible_collections/community/crypto/tests/output/.tmp/output_dir/acme-tiny", line 210, in <module>
File "/root/ansible_collections/community/crypto/tests/output/.tmp/output_dir/acme-tiny", line 206, in main
signed_crt = get_crt(args.account_key, args.csr, args.acme_dir, log=LOGGER,, disable_check=args.disable_check, directory_url=args.directory_url,
File "/root/ansible_collections/community/crypto/tests/output/.tmp/output_dir/acme-tiny", line 158, in get_crt
_send_signed_request(challenge['url'], {}, "Error submitting challenges: {0}".format(domain))
File "/root/ansible_collections/community/crypto/tests/output/.tmp/output_dir/acme-tiny", line 73, in _send_signed_request
return _do_request(url, data=data.encode('utf8'), err_msg=err_msg, depth=depth)
File "/root/ansible_collections/community/crypto/tests/output/.tmp/output_dir/acme-tiny", line 59, in _do_request
raise ValueError("{0}:\nUrl: {1}\nData: {2}\nResponse Code: {3}\nResponse: {4}".format(err_msg, url, data, code, resp_data))
ValueError: Error submitting challenges:
Url: https://acme-simulator:14000/chalZ/2jCPCyXAyGa1_K09b_mvai-VK5wPSiYqAg5SGSQgLz0
Data: b'{"protected": "eyJ1cmwiOiAiaHR0cHM6Ly9hY21lLXNpbXVsYXRvcjoxNDAwMC9jaGFsWi8yakNQQ3lYQXlHYTFfSzA5Yl9tdmFpLVZLNXdQU2lZcUFnNVNHU1FnTHowIiwgImFsZyI6ICJSUzI1NiIsICJub25jZSI6ICJSVTBpem9mRWlDRFE4TzJkcG82TXFnIiwgImtpZCI6ICJodHRwczovL2FjbWUtc2ltdWxhdG9yOjE0MDAwL215LWFjY291bnQvMSJ9", "payload": "e30", "signature": "DGFQivQc742deu2aAxoQvsVjKDMyHCuZokVew9A8bjJRcRfqwwbOhGRp6idbYcYjGCYe2AVq-i0sdLVjW_SrhuFtrU9jWboSwDUoDKE211vXztitFtPVKkZksHjGeVATxxsqrZYiPj1z-05EUtR4vTp6uL-CiJlZ_sdavoLWxVe7yYUvhDZ5Ah-dMrh4FqrqPrcA-qCXQcAfZem6YaOrkJP6aUFtkHPesybVXIcCTwYKnuJgtT30xs4t6lmhXlxoBLzFRBEIIEHSM-r6osU5jZ7JK-W0n_dOk9ip7iN3jesS4cbqsoMjuTnwtgeYHvBXduhaYL1ovB3Gm9C49fUQpg"}'
Response Code: 400
Response: {'type': 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed', 'detail': 'Cannot update challenge with status valid, only status pending', 'status': 400}
This is without this patch. (I had to do some monkey-patching to disable cert validation etc., so the line numbers are off.)
When applying this patch, it works fine.
Had the exact same problem (domain previously validated with a DNS challenge as part of a separate cert acquired, and then couldn't validate it with acme-tiny using a HTTP challenge). It worked great after applying this change! ❤️
Authorizations that already have a status of "valid" do not need to be validated again (until the authorization expires). Skipping these authorizations makes it possible to obtain certificates for domains for which a dns-01 validation is still valid, as acme_tiny is unable to re-validate them. (The alternative would be to wait up to a month until the authorization expires, or use a different acme client.)