diagrams / diagrams-doc

Documentation for the diagrams project
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Broken links to local files on Haddock pages #56

Open reinh opened 10 years ago

reinh commented 10 years ago

On the haddock-generated page for Diagrams.Util, The link to the typeclass Default in the documentation for with should go to the hackage docuentation for Data.Default.Class but instead links to a local file.

byorgey commented 10 years ago

This is probably due to some code here: http://hub.darcs.net/byorgey/hproj/browse/src/Development/HProj/Command/Doc.hs . For some reason it thinks it has found the documentation for the data-default-class package locally instead of falling back to a Hackage link.

byorgey commented 10 years ago

Perhaps extDeps is being computed incorrectly here: http://hub.darcs.net/byorgey/hproj/browse/src/Development/HProj/Command/Doc.hs#111