diagrams / diagrams-lib

Diagrams standard library
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make `mainArgs` take proxy argument #315

Closed strake closed 6 years ago

byorgey commented 6 years ago

Hi, thanks for the pull request! Can you explain the motivation for this change?

strake commented 6 years ago

It is a question of choosing appropriate types to represent what we want to represent. Quoth the old comment: "Note the d argument should only be needed to fix the type d. Its value should not be relied on as a parameter." This (in my opinion) is a sign of using the wrong type — if we use a proxy, the function can't use the value at all (which is the effect we want). Furthermore, other code can use the function sans a value of the type to pass to it, but that seems a minor concern for this function in particular.

byorgey commented 6 years ago

OK, that's fair. I doubt this function gets used all that much anyway; most instances just use the default. Would you be willing to make a parallel PR to https://github.com/diagrams/diagrams-doc/ to update the command-line tutorial ( https://diagrams.github.io/doc/cmdline.html ) to match? (Don't worry about trying to actually build the whole website unless you really want to; I can double-check that everything builds properly.)