diagrams / diagrams-lib

Diagrams standard library
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section on trail producing incorrect result when upper param is >= 1 (domainUpper) #329

Closed bacchanalia closed 5 years ago

bacchanalia commented 5 years ago

Red sections should be equal to green sections. sectionTo1

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Main where
import Diagrams.Prelude
import Diagrams.Backend.Cairo.CmdLine

ex :: Located (Trail V2 Double) -> Diagram Cairo
ex shape = foldl1 (|||) $ map (frame 5) $ [stroke shape] ++ segs 0.5 ++ segs 0.95
    ε = 2**(-53) -- machine epsilon
    segs n = [base # lc green, good # lc blue, bad # lc red]
        base = stroke $ section  (head $ fixTrail shape)                       n 1
        good = stroke $ section' (unfixTrail . return . head $ fixTrail shape) n (1-ε)
        bad  = stroke $ section' (unfixTrail . return . head $ fixTrail shape) n 1

ex1, ex2 :: Diagram Cairo
ex1 = ex $ vrule  100
ex2 = ex $ circle 100

dia :: Diagram Cairo
dia = (ex1 # pad 1.1) ||| (ex2 # pad 1.1)

main = mainWith (dia # bg white)

-- fix for diagrams-lib #322
class Sectionable' p where
  section' :: p -> N p -> N p -> p
instance (InSpace v n a, Fractional n, Parametric a, Sectionable' a, Codomain a ~ v) => Sectionable' (Located a) where
  section' (Loc x a) p1 p2 = Loc (x .+^ (a `atParam` p1)) (section' a p1 p2)
instance (Metric v, OrderedField n, Real n) => Sectionable' (Trail v n) where
  section' t p1 p2 = withLine (wrapLine . (\l -> section' l p1 p2)) t
instance (Metric v, OrderedField n, Real n) => Sectionable' (Trail' Line v n) where
  section' (Line t) p1 p2 = Line (section t p1 p2)
bacchanalia commented 5 years ago

This can be fixed narrowly by changing (>=) to (>) here, but the p > 0 case is still wrong. I've eyeballed some outputs for the p < 0 and they look plausible.

fryguybob commented 5 years ago

The equation on line 241 looks wrong to me:


bacchanalia commented 5 years ago

On 243, I think the lambda should be id, since the number of segments doesn't change, but that doesn't completely fix it, so maybe an issue on 241 also. https://github.com/diagrams/diagrams-lib/blob/7ff9922585df000b7be51056cf3a7c45db8c847f/src/Diagrams/Trail.hs#L243

bacchanalia commented 5 years ago

I think 241 is more naturally expressed as 1 + (p - 1)*tsegs, but I think it's correct.

I think 243 is only id when u corresponds to a previous segment, and in the case it's on the same segment it needs to be rescaled.

fryguybob commented 5 years ago

Ah, yes, I was reading the code wrong. I can make sense of 241 now.

bacchanalia commented 5 years ago

I want to rewrite sectionAtParam' for more clarity. Right now it returns ((Segtree v n, n -> n), (Segtree v n, n -> n)) but the second (n -> n) which represents the reparamaterization of the second tree is never used. Is there any reason to keep that code?

fryguybob commented 5 years ago

The uses I can think of would be fine with sectionAtParam' only giving one remapping. However, having both could be nice for testing as you could check the consistency of computing section by comparing the results from both methods:

sectionA x t1 t2 = let ((a,fa),_) = splitAtParam' x t2 in snd $ splitAtParam a (fa t1)
sectionB x t1 t2 = let (_,(b,fb)) = splitAtParam' x t1 in fst $ splitAtParam b (fb t2)

prop_section x t1 t2 = sectionA x t1 t2 =~= sectionB x t1 t2

For some appropriate =~=.

bacchanalia commented 5 years ago

In order to have that test we'd need to export splitAtParam', which I'm not sure is worth doing just to have that test.