dialogflow / dialogflow-fulfillment-nodejs

Dialogflow agent fulfillment library supporting v1&v2, 8 platforms, and text, card, image, suggestion, custom responses
Apache License 2.0
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Is this library still maintained? #294

Open ParticleDuality opened 4 years ago

ParticleDuality commented 4 years ago

I've looked at the commits and the interactions of the developers and realize they are a few, so I have to ask whether this library is still maintained or not.

vintagentleman commented 4 years ago

@Dasapugo4444 Quoting from the readme,

Warning: This library is no longer maintained. It should only be used when using the inline editor.

ghost commented 4 years ago

Tiny message, have to scroll down lots, easy to miss. Very unhelpful. Basically, you now need to use https://www.npmjs.com/package/actions-on-google

npm install actions-on-google


jewkub commented 4 years ago

If this library is no longer maintain, so what fulfillment library should I use from now on? As the official document(Edit: link broken) is still pointing to this library, or should I use the main dialogflow API instead?

Edit: As of now I cannot find any of this library reference anymore (all of old links are redirected to main page) so maybe DIY is currently the best choice as discussed in comments below

rbbernardino commented 4 years ago

@digitaltoast, I couldn't find any information about "actions-on-google" lib being able to handle custom integrations. This lib at leas let me define "UNDEFINED", so the client receives "null" as key to my custom object.

The thing is: actions-on-google is much better, allow us to create more readable code. However, it seems to be uniquely usable with actions-on-google integration...

ParticleDuality commented 4 years ago

Seems like we'll have to wait for a new unofficial fulfillment library. Meanwhile I'm still using this one hoping it won't break.

rbbernardino commented 4 years ago

In fact, after further thinking and investigating, especially for implementing custom integrations, it's better to just "do it yourself". If you check the Fulfillment Webhook Specification, you'll realize it's just so simple and easy to handle!!

If you are working with Facebook, Slack, or any other officially supported integration, you may even import the "Payload" class from this lib here to make it easier.

Anyway, honestly, I think it's just much better to do it yourself...

johnjacobkenny commented 3 years ago

Hi everyone,

I understand this is deprecated, but those who still use this - how has your experience been? Should I consider using this in my cloud function webhook?

I set out not using it since I saw its deprecated, and I'm having trouble with card responses with Google Chat. I am wondering if anyone here can shed light on what I'm missing https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63172678/google-chat-custom-cards-using-dialogflow-fulfilment-webhook

Victormbg commented 3 years ago

Is this library still maintained or do I need to switch to Dialogflow API: Node.js Client?

I've been doing tests with the In-line Editor on DialogFlow but I realized that when I changed the Cloud Functions the version from Node 8 to Node 10, because Firebase says that the support for Node 8 will end, I thought about changing the version, however I had a lot of problems when doing Deploy in the In-line Editor so I thought if the problem of the library itself that still uses Node 6 in package.json?

Is it a problem of this library that still uses Node 6 so when changing to Node 10 in Cloud Functions he stopped doing Deploy?

charleswong28 commented 3 years ago

Tiny message, have to scroll down lots, easy to miss. Very unhelpful. Basically, you now need to use https://www.npmjs.com/package/actions-on-google

npm install actions-on-google


But actions-on-google doesn't support any integration like Facebook / Telegram / Slack.

Am I missing something?