dialogflow / dialogflow-fulfillment-nodejs

Dialogflow agent fulfillment library supporting v1&v2, 8 platforms, and text, card, image, suggestion, custom responses
Apache License 2.0
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Accessing the request #345

Open dineshdisprz opened 1 year ago

dineshdisprz commented 1 year ago

Is there any way that I can access the request from the Dialogflow and format it inside the function in an inline editor?

Example of a request : { "responseId": "a29b914f-4fb2-4b00-aac7-ba9573bf84ca-5a74d3f9", "queryResult": { "queryText": "what is you name ?", "action": "input.unknown", "parameters": {}, "allRequiredParamsPresent": true, "fulfillmentText": "Can you say that again?", "fulfillmentMessages": [ { "text": { "text": [ "Can you say that again?" ] } } ], "outputContexts": [ { "name": "projects/datascience-306411/locations/global/agent/sessions/8f3ec141-d064-4ddf-6288-305418f2ecc3/contexts/__system_counters__", "lifespanCount": 1, "parameters": { "no-input": 0, "no-match": 1 } } ], "intent": { "name": "projects/datascience-306411/locations/global/agent/intents/25cb0fd6-1633-4796-a471-345c455e5dbd", "displayName": "Default Fallback Intent", "isFallback": true }, "intentDetectionConfidence": 1, "diagnosticInfo": { "webhook_latency_ms": 2509 }, "languageCode": "en", "sentimentAnalysisResult": { "queryTextSentiment": {} } }, "webhookStatus": { "code": 14, "message": "Webhook call failed. Error: UNAVAILABLE, State: URL_UNREACHABLE, Reason: UNREACHABLE_5xx, HTTP status code: 500." }, "alternativeQueryResults": [ { "queryText": "what is you name ?", "languageCode": "en" } ], "agentId": "6220881b-0eb0-4a2e-a79e-86fa305085ee", "agentSettings": { "enableAgentWideKnowledgeConnector": true } }