dialogflow / dialogflow-nodejs-client

Node.js SDK for Dialogflow
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Multilanguage support textRequest #95

Closed MikeVerhees closed 6 years ago

MikeVerhees commented 6 years ago


so according to https://api.ai/docs/multi-language I can send the agent's language within the textRequest like so by providing the 'lang' parameter. However I've logged the result and the language is still set to 'en' even when I'm providing 'nl'

my textRequest looks like this: var request = app.textRequest(commandData.text, { sessionId:func${chatID} , lang: commandData.lang });

I've checked the examples and it seems the language is set when defining apiai. So am I doing something wrong or does the nodeJS client just not support setting the language at the request itself?


klemensz commented 6 years ago

Same issue here. Have you found a solution?

klemensz commented 6 years ago

For now I'm using the workaround to have one app for each language: var app = apiai('api_token_here', {language: 'nl'});

ppdeassis commented 6 years ago

After some code diving, I'm using the following workaround, reusing the same app:

const apiai = require('apiai')
const app = apiai('<your token here>', { version: '20170712' })  // ref below

const dialogflowRouter = {
  async send(text, { sessionId, lang = '<your default lang here (e.g. pt-BR)>' } = {}) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      // before every request, make sure to set the language property of app
      app.language = lang
      let request = app.textRequest(text, { sessionId, lang })
      request.on('response', resolve)
      request.on('error', reject)

// ----

// using the dialogflowRouter with language 'pt-BR'
let message = 'Your user input here'
dialogflowRouter.send(message, { sessionId: '<your session id>', lang: 'pt-BR' })
  .then(dialogResponse => console.log(dialogResponse)) // adjust it to your needs

_ref: version: '20170712' - uses @sys.number as numbers instead of strings_ using apiai@4.0.3

nvtuan305 commented 6 years ago

I have the same issue. Have you found a solution?

@ppdeassis I have try your solution but it's not working

ppdeassis commented 6 years ago

@nvtuan305 I've updated the code sample above, providing more details.

nvtuan305 commented 6 years ago

@ppdeassis Thank you! It's working. Another working solution is:

const aiClient = apiai('dialog_flow_access_token', { language: 'ja' });

NOTE: If you pass an invalid language (supported languages), the Dialogflow (apiai) will use the default language of the agent.