dialogic-godot / dialogic

💬 Create Dialogs, Visual Novels, RPGs, and manage Characters with Godot to create your Game!
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Pop-up Warning Whenever I want to Enable the Plug In #1927

Closed CovetHiss closed 6 months ago

CovetHiss commented 6 months ago

Can't add autoload: Invalid Name. Must not collide with existing global script class name

Describe the bug A warning pop-up and says "Can't add autoload: Invalid Name. Must not collide with existing global script class name" whenever I want to enable the plug in. In my debugger, this is what it shows: "core/config/project_settings.cpp:358 - Property not found: autoload/Dialogic"

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to 'Project Setting -> Plug in -> enable Dialogic plug in'
  2. Warning pops up

Expected behavior Shouldn't be having any warning pop-up

Screenshots none

System (please complete the following information):

Workaround I checked what are those global scripts, class name and etc but I couldn't find anything useful. I am new to programming so I dunno what to do next.

Possible fixes

Any idea to fix the issue or a link to the line of code that might be the cause for this problem

CakeVR commented 6 months ago

Hello, you can try to delete the .godot/global_script_class_cache.cfg, then restart Godot, it will regenerate this file. Eventually, enable Dialogic again. If everything goes smoothly, Dialogic will be part of the Autoloads tab.

CovetHiss commented 6 months ago

Hello, you can try to delete the .godot/global_script_class_cache.cfg, then restart Godot, it will regenerate this file. Eventually, enable Dialogic again. If everything goes smoothly, Dialogic will be part of the Autoloads tab.

should I delete it within the godot editor, or using the file explorer?

CakeVR commented 6 months ago

should I delete it within the godot editor, or using the file explorer?

I would close Godot, delete the file, and open Godot.

CovetHiss commented 6 months ago

should I delete it within the godot editor, or using the file explorer?

I would close Godot, delete the file, and open Godot.

Nice! No more warning pop-ups. Thank you so much ^^

CovetHiss commented 6 months ago

node_2d tscn - BoW - Godot Engine 11_29_2023 2_37_54 PM

But now the editor is showing nothing after I restarted...

CakeVR commented 6 months ago

You have a lot of errors in your console window that you have hidden. Please show them. Also, ensure your .godot/global_script_class_cache.cfg has regenerated.

CovetHiss commented 6 months ago

You have a lot of errors in your console window that you have hidden. Please show them. Also, ensure your .godot/global_script_class_cache.cfg has regenerated.

I know this is ridiculous, but after I completely reinstalled the entire plugin, everything is fixed. Anyway, big thanks to you. The file you mentioned has been generated and everything went smooth now.

CakeVR commented 6 months ago

You have a lot of errors in your console window that you have hidden. Please show them. Also, ensure your .godot/global_script_class_cache.cfg has regenerated.

I know this is ridiculous, but after I completely reinstalled the entire plugin, everything is fixed. Anyway, big thanks to you. The file you mentioned has been generated and everything went smooth now.

I'm glad you got it sorted out, you were not the first to encounter it. I wanted to add the solution for problem to our FAQ. If you have the time, I will appreciate to listen to what reinstalling entails. As in: Have you removed the files and restarted and any point?

CovetHiss commented 6 months ago

You have a lot of errors in your console window that you have hidden. Please show them. Also, ensure your .godot/global_script_class_cache.cfg has regenerated.

I know this is ridiculous, but after I completely reinstalled the entire plugin, everything is fixed. Anyway, big thanks to you. The file you mentioned has been generated and everything went smooth now.

I'm glad you got it sorted out, you were not the first to encounter it. I wanted to add the solution for problem to our FAQ. If you have the time, I will appreciate to listen to what reinstalling entails. As in: Have you removed the files and restarted and any point?

1st, I disable both the plugin and the autoload in project settings/plugins. 2th, exit Godot without saving the scenes 3rd, open project's source files in file explorer, go to add-ons folder and delete the entire dialogic folder. 4th, open the Godot again, and make sure the plug in is not available anymore in project settings / Plugin (You might encounter some error of game trying to load and access to the plugin's files but it is fine) 5th, close the godot again, without saving. 6th, reinstall the plug in by dragging the Dialogic folder to the project's add-on folder. 7th, open your godot again, and enable the plug in in Project Settings / plug in. 8th, close the godot again without saving, then open godot again

This works for me, but I can't guarantee it will work for others.

Jowan-Spooner commented 6 months ago

Thanks for the detailed explanation! It might be good to add this to the FAQ indeed. I'll close this issue though, as I'm not aware of any way to fix this, I believe this is godot handeling global classes a bit badly.