dialogic-godot / dialogic

💬 Create Dialogs, Visual Novels, RPGs, and manage Characters with Godot to create your Game!
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"Could not find script for class "Dialogic"" when trying to start timeline #2145

Open zxcdevlop opened 2 months ago

zxcdevlop commented 2 months ago

this happens when I try to start my dialogic timeline through a button, and I don't know how to fix this

I'm copy-pasting all my code in the script here in case there's something else causing this problem because I don't know how to fix it

how do I start a dialogic timeline here? is there anything else i need?

extends Control

func _ready() -> void:
    print("[Dialogic] Testing scene was started.")
    if !ProjectSettings.get_setting('internationalization/locale/test', "").is_empty():
        print("Testing locale is: ", ProjectSettings.get_setting('internationalization/locale/test'))

    var scene: Node = DialogicUtil.autoload().Styles.load_style(DialogicUtil.get_editor_setting('current_test_style', ''))
    if not scene is CanvasLayer:
        if scene is Control:
            scene.position = get_viewport_rect().size/2.0
        if scene is Node2D:
            scene.position = get_viewport_rect().size/2.0

    var current_timeline: String = DialogicUtil.get_editor_setting('current_timeline_path', null)
    if !current_timeline:

func recieve_event_signal(argument:String) -> void:
    print("[Dialogic] Encountered a signal event: ", argument)

func recieve_text_signal(argument:String) -> void:
    print("[Dialogic] Encountered a signal in text: ", argument)

func _input(event:InputEvent) -> void:
    if event is InputEventKey and event.pressed and event.keycode == KEY_ESCAPE:
        DialogicUtil.autoload().paused = !DialogicUtil.autoload().paused
        $PauseIndictator.visible = DialogicUtil.autoload().paused

    if (event is InputEventMouseButton
    and event.is_pressed()
    and event.button_index == MOUSE_BUTTON_MIDDLE):
        var auto_skip: DialogicAutoSkip = DialogicUtil.autoload().Inputs.auto_skip
        var is_auto_skip_enabled := auto_skip.enabled

        auto_skip.disable_on_unread_text = false
        auto_skip.enabled = !is_auto_skip_enabled

func _on_pressed():
CakeVR commented 2 months ago

Hello, first of all, I fixed your formatting. It's three backticks followed by gdscript.

Do you have the Dialogic autoload in the Project Settings enabled? Have you tried restarting?

zxcdevlop commented 2 months ago

i tried disabling and enabling the plugin, and it said: Can't add Autoload: Invalid name. Must not collide with an existing global script class name.

what does this mean?

CakeVR commented 2 months ago

i tried disabling and enabling the plugin, and it said: Can't add Autoload: Invalid name. Must not collide with an existing global script class name.

what does this mean?

This means you already have an autoload using this name or your cache is invalidated.

I recommend to close Godot, delete global_script_class_cache.cfg in .godot, and start your project again.

If this does not remedy the issue, try restarting one more time.

If that does not help either, delete the .godot folder fully and try starting your project again, potentially restarting another time after this.

zxcdevlop commented 2 months ago

i use macos, where can i find the .godot folder?

CakeVR commented 2 months ago

i use macos, where can i find the .godot folder?

It's a folder located at the root of every Godot project.

zxcdevlop commented 2 months ago

i can't seem to find the .godot folder in my project folder

CakeVR commented 2 months ago

Maybe it's a hidden folder on your operating system. I never used macOS.

metanoder commented 2 months ago

To see hidden files on macOS, when in your game's project folder, hit CMD + Shift + . (command + shift + period)

zxcdevlop commented 2 months ago

i tried disabling and enabling the plugin, and it said: Can't add Autoload: Invalid name. Must not collide with an existing global script class name. what does this mean?

This means you already have an autoload using this name or your cache is invalidated.

I recommend to close Godot, delete global_script_class_cache.cfg in .godot, and start your project again.

If this does not remedy the issue, try restarting one more time.

If that does not help either, delete the .godot folder fully and try starting your project again, potentially restarting another time after this.

so I did this and this popped up int eherrors:

Line 9:Identifier "DialogicUtil" not declared in the current scope. Line 9:Identifier "DialogicUtil" not declared in the current scope. Line 17:Identifier "DialogicUtil" not declared in the current scope. Line 20:Identifier "DialogicUtil" not declared in the current scope. Line 21:Identifier "DialogicUtil" not declared in the current scope. Line 22:Identifier "DialogicUtil" not declared in the current scope. Line 23:Identifier "DialogicUtil" not declared in the current scope. Line 33:Identifier "DialogicUtil" not declared in the current scope. Line 33:Identifier "DialogicUtil" not declared in the current scope. Line 34:Identifier "DialogicUtil" not declared in the current scope. Line 39:Could not find type "DialogicAutoSkip" in the current scope. Line 39:Identifier "DialogicUtil" not declared in the current scope. Line 40:Cannot infer the type of "is_auto_skip_enabled" variable because the value doesn't have a set type. Line 46:Identifier "Dialogic" not declared in the current scope.

it seems that there is a lot of "not declared in the current scope", do I need to add anything to my code to fix this?

CakeVR commented 2 months ago

What version of Godot are you using?

Try removing Dialogic and installing it again.

This article mentions how you can verify if your installation succeeded: https://docs.dialogic.pro/getting-started.html#1-installation--activation

zxcdevlop commented 2 months ago

i'm using v4.2.1.stable.official [b09f793f5]

zxcdevlop commented 2 months ago

i reinstalled dialogic 2 and i think there are even more problems now:

Line 27:Could not find type "DialogicTimeline" in the current scope. Line 69:Could not find type "DialogicEvent" in the current scope. Line 80:Could not resolve script "res://addons/dialogic/Modules/Audio/subsystem_audio.gd". Line 80:Cannot infer the type of "Audio" variable because the value doesn't have a set type. Line 83:Could not resolve script "res://addons/dialogic/Modules/Background/subsystem_backgrounds.gd". Line 83:Cannot infer the type of "Backgrounds" variable because the value doesn't have a set type. Line 86:Could not resolve script "res://addons/dialogic/Modules/Character/subsystem_portraits.gd". Line 86:Cannot infer the type of "Portraits" variable because the value doesn't have a set type. Line 89:Could not resolve script "res://addons/dialogic/Modules/Choice/subsystem_choices.gd". Line 89:Cannot infer the type of "Choices" variable because the value doesn't have a set type. Line 92:Could not resolve script "res://addons/dialogic/Modules/Core/subsystem_expression.gd". Line 92:Cannot infer the type of "Expressions" variable because the value doesn't have a set type. Line 95:Could not resolve script "res://addons/dialogic/Modules/Core/subsystem_animation.gd". Line 95:Cannot infer the type of "Animations" variable because the value doesn't have a set type. Line 98:Could not resolve script "res://addons/dialogic/Modules/Core/subsystem_input.gd". Line 98:Cannot infer the type of "Inputs" variable because the value doesn't have a set type. Line 101:Could not resolve script "res://addons/dialogic/Modules/Glossary/subsystem_glossary.gd". Line 101:Cannot infer the type of "Glossary" variable because the value doesn't have a set type. Line 104:Could not resolve script "res://addons/dialogic/Modules/History/subsystem_history.gd". Line 104:Cannot infer the type of "History" variable because the value doesn't have a set type. Line 107:Could not resolve script "res://addons/dialogic/Modules/Jump/subsystem_jump.gd". Line 107:Cannot infer the type of "Jump" variable because the value doesn't have a set type. Line 110:Could not resolve script "res://addons/dialogic/Modules/Save/subsystem_save.gd". Line 110:Cannot infer the type of "Save" variable because the value doesn't have a set type. Line 113:Could not resolve script "res://addons/dialogic/Modules/Settings/subsystem_settings.gd". Line 113:Cannot infer the type of "Settings" variable because the value doesn't have a set type. Line 116:Could not resolve script "res://addons/dialogic/Modules/Style/subsystem_styles.gd". Line 116:Cannot infer the type of "Styles" variable because the value doesn't have a set type. Line 119:Could not resolve script "res://addons/dialogic/Modules/Text/subsystem_text.gd". Line 119:Cannot infer the type of "Text" variable because the value doesn't have a set type. Line 122:Could not resolve script "res://addons/dialogic/Modules/TextInput/subsystem_text_input.gd". Line 122:Cannot infer the type of "TextInput" variable because the value doesn't have a set type. Line 125:Could not resolve script "res://addons/dialogic/Modules/Variable/subsystem_variables.gd". Line 125:Cannot infer the type of "VAR" variable because the value doesn't have a set type. Line 128:Could not resolve script "res://addons/dialogic/Modules/Voice/subsystem_voice.gd". Line 128:Cannot infer the type of "Voice" variable because the value doesn't have a set type. Line 345:Could not find type "DialogicSubsystem" in the current scope. Line 349:Could not find type "DialogicSubsystem" in the current scope. Line 52:Could not find type "DialogicSubsystem" in the current scope. Line 53:Could not find type "DialogicSubsystem" in the current scope. Line 57:Could not find type "DialogicSubsystem" in the current scope. Line 58:Could not find type "DialogicSubsystem" in the current scope. Line 135:Identifier "DialogicResourceUtil" not declared in the current scope. Line 185:Identifier "DialogicResourceUtil" not declared in the current scope. Line 191:Could not find type "DialogicTimeline" in the current scope. Line 219:Could not find type "DialogicTimeline" in the current scope. Line 237:Could not find type "DialogicEvent" in the current scope. Line 237:Could not find type "DialogicEvent" in the current scope. Line 238:Could not find type "DialogicEvent" in the current scope. Line 270:Could not find type "DialogicSubsystem" in the current scope. Line 271:Could not find type "DialogicSubsystem" in the current scope. Line 313:Could not find type "DialogicSubsystem" in the current scope. Line 331:Could not find type "DialogicSubsystem" in the current scope. Line 332:Identifier "DialogicUtil" not declared in the current scope. Line 334:Cannot infer the type of "subsystem_node" variable because the value doesn't have a set type. Line 353:Could not find type "DialogicSubsystem" in the current scope. Line 1:Could not find base class "DialogicSubsystem". Line 1:Could not find base class "DialogicSubsystem". Line 1:Could not find base class "DialogicSubsystem". Line 1:Could not find base class "DialogicSubsystem". Line 1:Could not find base class "DialogicSubsystem". Line 1:Could not find base class "DialogicSubsystem". Line 1:Could not find base class "DialogicSubsystem". Line 1:Could not find base class "DialogicSubsystem". Line 1:Could not find base class "DialogicSubsystem". Line 1:Could not find base class "DialogicSubsystem". Line 1:Could not find base class "DialogicSubsystem". Line 1:Could not find base class "DialogicSubsystem". Line 1:Could not find base class "DialogicSubsystem". Line 1:Could not find base class "DialogicSubsystem". Line 1:Could not find base class "DialogicSubsystem". Line 1:Could not find base class "DialogicSubsystem".

res://addons/dialogic/Modules/Audio/subsystem_audio.gd: Line 1:Could not find base class "DialogicSubsystem".

it says there's 72 errors right now, and I'm pretty sure I installed dialogic correctly, what do I do now?

CakeVR commented 2 months ago

Try restarting Godot again or reload the project.

zxcdevlop commented 2 months ago

wait those errors were from the DialogicGameHandler thing, the script that contains my problem now has 13 errors:

Line 9:Identifier "DialogicUtil" not declared in the current scope. Line 9:Identifier "DialogicUtil" not declared in the current scope. Line 17:Identifier "DialogicUtil" not declared in the current scope. Line 20:Identifier "DialogicUtil" not declared in the current scope. Line 21:Identifier "DialogicUtil" not declared in the current scope. Line 22:Identifier "DialogicUtil" not declared in the current scope. Line 23:Identifier "DialogicUtil" not declared in the current scope. Line 33:Identifier "DialogicUtil" not declared in the current scope. Line 33:Identifier "DialogicUtil" not declared in the current scope. Line 34:Identifier "DialogicUtil" not declared in the current scope. Line 39:Could not find type "DialogicAutoSkip" in the current scope. Line 39:Identifier "DialogicUtil" not declared in the current scope. Line 40:Cannot infer the type of "is_auto_skip_enabled" variable because the value doesn't have a set type.

this was after I reloaded the project, restarting godot is just closing and reopening it right?

CakeVR commented 2 months ago

Can you verify the Dialogic autoload is enabled in your project and Dialogic as a plugin is enabled? Both can be found in your project settings.

Restarting Godot (your project) is closing and opening the project, yes.

zxcdevlop commented 2 months ago

yes, the dialogic autoload and plugin are both enabled

CakeVR commented 2 months ago

If you clear all errors and try to start your timeline, do you encounter any errors? If so, what errors and what script has them?

zxcdevlop commented 2 months ago

its from the DialogicGameHandler and it says "Parser Error: Could not find type "DialogicTimeline" in the current scope."

Jowan-Spooner commented 2 months ago

@zxcdevlop Somehow some script must result in an error. Because there are a lot of references inside of dialogic, usually a single error already results in many many error messages and other files failing to load.

It would be very useful to know which error is at the very beginning of your list of errors in your output, when opening the project, maybe you can share a screenshot of the output?

Also can you specify which version of dialogic you are using, precisely which Dialogic 2 alpha version?

I'm also confused as the code snippet in the OP contains the code of the TestTimelineScene. You do NOT need all that in your scenes script, not sure why you have that there.

zxcdevlop commented 2 months ago

i'm using [2.0-alpha-13]

Screenshot 2024-03-21 at 21 03 43
CakeVR commented 2 months ago

Have you added the DialogicGameHandler to your scene? If so, that's not the correct way of using Dialogic.

Dialogic gets used via its autoload. If you added this yourself, you must remove it or it won't work.

Here is a guide you can follow to get started: https://docs.dialogic.pro/getting-started.html

CakeVR commented 1 month ago

Hello, as there was no further reply, I will close this issue.

If you still have this problem, let us know!

Galaxy1879 commented 1 month ago


sadly i got the same error, I downgraded the dialogue version since the newer had way to many errors. alpha-12

AutumnRivers commented 1 month ago

I receive this same error on alpha-13. I'm using Dialogic via Autoload. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem very consistent; sometimes it'll happen when playing the project, and sometimes it won't.

CakeVR commented 1 month ago

Hello, please confirm if any of you are using C# in your projects.

AutumnRivers commented 1 month ago

Hello, please confirm if any of you are using C# in your projects.

Hi there! Yes, I'm using C# in my project. It seems to go away for the most part when I build the .NET project before launching (it still builds when you launch, but you can choose to build before)

(I said this in the server, but I'm putting it here too for non-server-members)

luiscesjr commented 1 month ago

Hello, please confirm if any of you are using C# in your projects.

I came here to looking for this issue, I also have the "Could not find Type DialogicTimeLine in the current scope" issue, and also I am using the mono version of Godot. recently updated to 4.3 Dev 5 because of a much needed feature they added.

It seems random, sometimes it pops up, sometimes it doesn't, haven't tried building first and then playtesting tough.

Galaxy1879 commented 4 weeks ago

Okey, I found a solution. You can download a pre-made project that weirdly enough has working dialogue installed. Here is the itchio link. https://devworm.itch.io/completedialogue-tutorial-projects-4102024

That will not fix the issue why it wasnt working in the first place but it will atleast work now.

aldocd4 commented 3 weeks ago

Hello, someone have an idea about this bug? This literally make the addon unusable in any C# project :(


It appears each time you edit a C# file and re-build the game to test changes. I will try to dig into addon source code to understand what's causing it.

luiscesjr commented 3 weeks ago

Hello, someone have an idea about this bug? This literally make the addon unusable in any C# project :( It appears each time you edit a C# file and re-build the game to test changes. I will try to dig into addon source code to understand what's causing it.

So far what @AutumnRivers said is what I do, always build it before hitting play and it works. But sometimes I forget lol.

Other than that, I have no idea as well.