dialogic-godot / dialogic

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Renaming a style’s custom layer sets it to the default #2188

Open Purgatory63 opened 1 month ago

Purgatory63 commented 1 month ago

The problem

Renaming a newly created style’s custom layer causes the custom layer to replace the premade layer.

Describe the bug

If you make a custom layer (my examples are custom text box layers) and rename it immediately (presumably any time after creating, as long as you don’t make a new style before renaming the file), it will cause the scene in the renamed file to somehow become the default, replacing the premade style.

Deleting the now default style causes you to be unable to make any new styles, and reloading the project will result in all styles (even if they seemed fine before) to vanish. Dragging their file back into the style bar results in no layers, only the default layer base.

I’ve got some videos of it, apologies that it’s pretty slow.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Create a style based off the premade one
  2. Make a layer (ex: text box) custom
  3. Edit the newly created folder name for the custom layer
  4. Create a new style also based off the premade one
  5. Whatever layer you replaced will also be in the new style

Expected behavior Naming the folder should only change its name, and the default layer should remain as the premade one.

Videos https://youtu.be/lBML-5BfzcM?si=xmPhot3ySk2zRzxh (This one has timestamps to skip past me being slow)


https://youtu.be/Nh4aAhknv2Q?si=bkcrbCUaUVa_PmzW (Continuing (mostly) directly from the second video)

System (please complete the following information):


Workaround What you tried to get the feature working: I did not test with this part much, but it seems like creating a new style, then going back to edit the previous layers name doesn’t cause this glitch to happen (seen in 2nd video)

Jowan-Spooner commented 1 month ago

Thanks, I will look into it.