dialogic-godot / dialogic

💬 Create Dialogs, Visual Novels, RPGs, and manage Characters with Godot to create your Game!
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Bool VAR dont change when you set to false in Visual Editor and text editor. #2209

Closed JesusRoberto64 closed 1 week ago

JesusRoberto64 commented 2 weeks ago

When you trying to change a VAR type bool in to a false value it dosent change Describe the bug

  1. In Visual editor you want to change a bool var to false
  2. Its donset change and send you an errro: "Var was not set"
  3. Checked in the text editor and apears with a no value, like this:

set {OPCION1} =

  1. Change directly in the editor text and save
  2. It donsent change when I switch to the visual editor.
  3. Back again to the text editor and "set {OPCION1} = " apears blank again

Expected behavior That when I cahnge to false a bool varible its change in the editor and whne running dialog on a Godot game

Temproal Soution I just make a new bool VAR set to false, and then just make it equal to my original variable.

System (please complete the following information): MAc OS CATALINA GODOT 4.2.2

Jowan-Spooner commented 2 weeks ago

Hey @JesusRoberto64 I assume you've been using the latest release alpha 13, correct? If so, then this has been fixed already on the main branch. Thanks for the report anyways!