Since the language specific file for German language is already sourced out, this can easy peasily be done by adding more language files to the ˋ/src/assetsˋ folder. These files then have to be migrated into a separate github repository in order to make it publicly available and editable.
Then users shall be able to pass a URL parameter ˋ?lang=[de/en/fr/it/...]ˋ which is parsed and the appropriate file is included.
Since the language specific file for German language is already sourced out, this can easy peasily be done by adding more language files to the ˋ/src/assetsˋ folder. These files then have to be migrated into a separate github repository in order to make it publicly available and editable.
Then users shall be able to pass a URL parameter ˋ?lang=[de/en/fr/it/...]ˋ which is parsed and the appropriate file is included.