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just some console errors #484

Open serumanooo opened 11 months ago

serumanooo commented 11 months ago

line 383, 803, 1419 and 1466+ 2023-07-24-1.log

serumanooo commented 11 months ago

New Text Document (2).txt also, please someone help im getting crazy, my server crashed 20 times today

GoodestEnglish commented 11 months ago

New Text Document (2).txt also, please someone help im getting crazy, my server crashed 20 times today

Report to leafplugins author. Can't tell what happened because the plugin is obfuscated

GoodestEnglish commented 11 months ago

line 383, 803, 1419 and 1466+ 2023-07-24-1.log

Will look into it

serumanooo commented 11 months ago

New Text Document (2).txt also, please someone help im getting crazy, my server crashed 20 times today

Report to leafplugins author. Can't tell what happened because the plugin is obfuscated

its something with windspigot :( now i have to change spigot and ill lose the knockback config of my server, because i already tried foxspigot, carbonspigot and both have bugs

serumanooo commented 11 months ago

@GoodestEnglish also, what is this error? is this related to eden?

[15:06:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [LOG] ERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (X: 49.13 Y: 93.94 Z: 4.75 Pitch: 0 Yaw: 135.9415:06:04 [15:06:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [LOG] ERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (X: 49.35 Y: 93.28 Z: 5.65 Pitch: 0 Yaw: 131.5815:06:04 [15:06:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [LOG] ERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (X: 49.55 Y: 92.76 Z: 6.35 Pitch: 0 Yaw: 127.1115:06:05 [15:06:05] [Server thread/INFO]: [LOG] ERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (X: 49.76 Y: 92.23 Z: 7.03 Pitch: 0 Yaw: 122.5215:06:05 [15:06:05] [Server thread/INFO]: [LOG] ERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (X: 49.99 Y: 91.7 Z: 7.69 Pitch: 0 Yaw: 117.815:06:05 [15:06:05] [Server thread/INFO]: [LOG] ERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (X: 50.24 Y: 91.18 Z: 8.32 Pitch: 0 Yaw: 112.9715:06:05 [15:06:05] [Server thread/INFO]: [LOG] ERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (X: 50.51 Y: 90.65 Z: 8.92 Pitch: 0 Yaw: 108.0215:06:08 [15:06:08] [Async Chat Thread - #1/INFO]: Trial ownedkarma: karhu faz milagres [15:06:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [LOG] ERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (X: 45.63 Y: 81.56 Z: -35.57 Pitch: 0 Yaw: -143.4815:06:44 [15:06:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [LOG] ERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (X: 45.21 Y: 81.41 Z: -34.95 Pitch: 0 Yaw: -144.115:06:44 [15:06:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [LOG] ERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (X: 43.49 Y: 80.85 Z: -32.42 Pitch: 0 Yaw: -145.9215:06:44 [15:06:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [LOG] ERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (X: 43.11 Y: 80.73 Z: -31.85 Pitch: 0 Yaw: -146.2315:06:44 [15:06:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [LOG] ERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (X: 42.71 Y: 80.62 Z: -31.28 Pitch: 0 Yaw: -146.515:06:44 [15:06:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [LOG] ERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (X: 42.32 Y: 80.5 Z: -30.69 Pitch: 0 Yaw: -146.8215:06:44 [15:06:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [LOG] ERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (X: 41.91 Y: 80.38 Z: -30.09 Pitch: 0 Yaw: -147.1415:06:44 [15:06:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [LOG] ERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (X: 41.5 Y: 80.27 Z: -29.48 Pitch: 0 Yaw: -147.5415:06:45 [15:06:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [LOG] ERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (X: 41.09 Y: 80.15 Z: -28.86 Pitch: 0 Yaw: -148.02) (ENDER_DRAGON)

serumanooo commented 11 months ago

i found out that windspigot isnt compatible with multi worlds... its a bug, but the creator of it does not offer support for it anymore so i guess i cant fix this problem, and i dont have any other alternative for it

GoodestEnglish commented 11 months ago

@GoodestEnglish also, what is this error? is this related to eden?

[15:06:04] [Server thread/INFO]: �[0;31;1m[LOG] �[0;31;1mERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (�[0;36;1mX: �[0;32;1m49.13�[0;36;1m Y: �[0;32;1m93.94�[0;36;1m Z: �[0;32;1m4.75�[0;36;1m Pitch: �[0;32;1m0�[0;36;1m Yaw: �[0;32;1m135.94�15:06:04�[m [15:06:04] [Server thread/INFO]: �[0;31;1m[LOG] �[0;31;1mERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (�[0;36;1mX: �[0;32;1m49.35�[0;36;1m Y: �[0;32;1m93.28�[0;36;1m Z: �[0;32;1m5.65�[0;36;1m Pitch: �[0;32;1m0�[0;36;1m Yaw: �[0;32;1m131.58�15:06:04�[m [15:06:04] [Server thread/INFO]: �[0;31;1m[LOG] �[0;31;1mERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (�[0;36;1mX: �[0;32;1m49.55�[0;36;1m Y: �[0;32;1m92.76�[0;36;1m Z: �[0;32;1m6.35�[0;36;1m Pitch: �[0;32;1m0�[0;36;1m Yaw: �[0;32;1m127.11�15:06:05�[m [15:06:05] [Server thread/INFO]: �[0;31;1m[LOG] �[0;31;1mERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (�[0;36;1mX: �[0;32;1m49.76�[0;36;1m Y: �[0;32;1m92.23�[0;36;1m Z: �[0;32;1m7.03�[0;36;1m Pitch: �[0;32;1m0�[0;36;1m Yaw: �[0;32;1m122.52�15:06:05�[m [15:06:05] [Server thread/INFO]: �[0;31;1m[LOG] �[0;31;1mERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (�[0;36;1mX: �[0;32;1m49.99�[0;36;1m Y: �[0;32;1m91.7�[0;36;1m Z: �[0;32;1m7.69�[0;36;1m Pitch: �[0;32;1m0�[0;36;1m Yaw: �[0;32;1m117.8�15:06:05�[m [15:06:05] [Server thread/INFO]: �[0;31;1m[LOG] �[0;31;1mERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (�[0;36;1mX: �[0;32;1m50.24�[0;36;1m Y: �[0;32;1m91.18�[0;36;1m Z: �[0;32;1m8.32�[0;36;1m Pitch: �[0;32;1m0�[0;36;1m Yaw: �[0;32;1m112.97�15:06:05�[m [15:06:05] [Server thread/INFO]: �[0;31;1m[LOG] �[0;31;1mERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (�[0;36;1mX: �[0;32;1m50.51�[0;36;1m Y: �[0;32;1m90.65�[0;36;1m Z: �[0;32;1m8.92�[0;36;1m Pitch: �[0;32;1m0�[0;36;1m Yaw: �[0;32;1m108.02�15:06:08�[m [15:06:08] [Async Chat Thread - #1/INFO]: �[0;33;22m�[21mTrial�[3m ownedkarma: �[0;37;1mkarhu faz milagres�[m [15:06:44] [Server thread/INFO]: �[0;31;1m[LOG] �[0;31;1mERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (�[0;36;1mX: �[0;32;1m45.63�[0;36;1m Y: �[0;32;1m81.56�[0;36;1m Z: �[0;32;1m-35.57�[0;36;1m Pitch: �[0;32;1m0�[0;36;1m Yaw: �[0;32;1m-143.48�15:06:44�[m [15:06:44] [Server thread/INFO]: �[0;31;1m[LOG] �[0;31;1mERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (�[0;36;1mX: �[0;32;1m45.21�[0;36;1m Y: �[0;32;1m81.41�[0;36;1m Z: �[0;32;1m-34.95�[0;36;1m Pitch: �[0;32;1m0�[0;36;1m Yaw: �[0;32;1m-144.1�15:06:44�[m [15:06:44] [Server thread/INFO]: �[0;31;1m[LOG] �[0;31;1mERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (�[0;36;1mX: �[0;32;1m43.49�[0;36;1m Y: �[0;32;1m80.85�[0;36;1m Z: �[0;32;1m-32.42�[0;36;1m Pitch: �[0;32;1m0�[0;36;1m Yaw: �[0;32;1m-145.92�15:06:44�[m [15:06:44] [Server thread/INFO]: �[0;31;1m[LOG] �[0;31;1mERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (�[0;36;1mX: �[0;32;1m43.11�[0;36;1m Y: �[0;32;1m80.73�[0;36;1m Z: �[0;32;1m-31.85�[0;36;1m Pitch: �[0;32;1m0�[0;36;1m Yaw: �[0;32;1m-146.23�15:06:44�[m [15:06:44] [Server thread/INFO]: �[0;31;1m[LOG] �[0;31;1mERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (�[0;36;1mX: �[0;32;1m42.71�[0;36;1m Y: �[0;32;1m80.62�[0;36;1m Z: �[0;32;1m-31.28�[0;36;1m Pitch: �[0;32;1m0�[0;36;1m Yaw: �[0;32;1m-146.5�15:06:44�[m [15:06:44] [Server thread/INFO]: �[0;31;1m[LOG] �[0;31;1mERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (�[0;36;1mX: �[0;32;1m42.32�[0;36;1m Y: �[0;32;1m80.5�[0;36;1m Z: �[0;32;1m-30.69�[0;36;1m Pitch: �[0;32;1m0�[0;36;1m Yaw: �[0;32;1m-146.82�15:06:44�[m [15:06:44] [Server thread/INFO]: �[0;31;1m[LOG] �[0;31;1mERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (�[0;36;1mX: �[0;32;1m41.91�[0;36;1m Y: �[0;32;1m80.38�[0;36;1m Z: �[0;32;1m-30.09�[0;36;1m Pitch: �[0;32;1m0�[0;36;1m Yaw: �[0;32;1m-147.14�15:06:44�[m [15:06:44] [Server thread/INFO]: �[0;31;1m[LOG] �[0;31;1mERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (�[0;36;1mX: �[0;32;1m41.5�[0;36;1m Y: �[0;32;1m80.27�[0;36;1m Z: �[0;32;1m-29.48�[0;36;1m Pitch: �[0;32;1m0�[0;36;1m Yaw: �[0;32;1m-147.54�15:06:45�[m [15:06:45] [Server thread/INFO]: �[0;31;1m[LOG] �[0;31;1mERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (�[0;36;1mX: �[0;32;1m41.09�[0;36;1m Y: �[0;32;1m80.15�[0;36;1m Z: �[0;32;1m-28.86�[0;36;1m Pitch: �[0;32;1m0�[0;36;1m Yaw: �[0;32;1m-148.02�[0;31;1m) (ENDER_DRAGON)�[m

Disable the end in your server. A practice server should not enable the end. This is important.

serumanooo commented 11 months ago

@GoodestEnglish also, what is this error? is this related to eden? [15:06:04] [Server thread/INFO]: �[0;31;1m[LOG] �[0;31;1mERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (�[0;36;1mX: �[0;32;1m49.13�[0;36;1m Y: �[0;32;1m93.94�[0;36;1m Z: �[0;32;1m4.75�[0;36;1m Pitch: �[0;32;1m0�[0;36;1m Yaw: �[0;32;1m135.94�15:06:04�[m [15:06:04] [Server thread/INFO]: �[0;31;1m[LOG] �[0;31;1mERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (�[0;36;1mX: �[0;32;1m49.35�[0;36;1m Y: �[0;32;1m93.28�[0;36;1m Z: �[0;32;1m5.65�[0;36;1m Pitch: �[0;32;1m0�[0;36;1m Yaw: �[0;32;1m131.58�15:06:04�[m [15:06:04] [Server thread/INFO]: �[0;31;1m[LOG] �[0;31;1mERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (�[0;36;1mX: �[0;32;1m49.55�[0;36;1m Y: �[0;32;1m92.76�[0;36;1m Z: �[0;32;1m6.35�[0;36;1m Pitch: �[0;32;1m0�[0;36;1m Yaw: �[0;32;1m127.11�15:06:05�[m [15:06:05] [Server thread/INFO]: �[0;31;1m[LOG] �[0;31;1mERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (�[0;36;1mX: �[0;32;1m49.76�[0;36;1m Y: �[0;32;1m92.23�[0;36;1m Z: �[0;32;1m7.03�[0;36;1m Pitch: �[0;32;1m0�[0;36;1m Yaw: �[0;32;1m122.52�15:06:05�[m [15:06:05] [Server thread/INFO]: �[0;31;1m[LOG] �[0;31;1mERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (�[0;36;1mX: �[0;32;1m49.99�[0;36;1m Y: �[0;32;1m91.7�[0;36;1m Z: �[0;32;1m7.69�[0;36;1m Pitch: �[0;32;1m0�[0;36;1m Yaw: �[0;32;1m117.8�15:06:05�[m [15:06:05] [Server thread/INFO]: �[0;31;1m[LOG] �[0;31;1mERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (�[0;36;1mX: �[0;32;1m50.24�[0;36;1m Y: �[0;32;1m91.18�[0;36;1m Z: �[0;32;1m8.32�[0;36;1m Pitch: �[0;32;1m0�[0;36;1m Yaw: �[0;32;1m112.97�15:06:05�[m [15:06:05] [Server thread/INFO]: �[0;31;1m[LOG] �[0;31;1mERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (�[0;36;1mX: �[0;32;1m50.51�[0;36;1m Y: �[0;32;1m90.65�[0;36;1m Z: �[0;32;1m8.92�[0;36;1m Pitch: �[0;32;1m0�[0;36;1m Yaw: �[0;32;1m108.02�15:06:08�[m [15:06:08] [Async Chat Thread - #1/INFO]: �[0;33;22m�[21mTrial�[3m ownedkarma: �[0;37;1mkarhu faz milagres�[m [15:06:44] [Server thread/INFO]: �[0;31;1m[LOG] �[0;31;1mERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (�[0;36;1mX: �[0;32;1m45.63�[0;36;1m Y: �[0;32;1m81.56�[0;36;1m Z: �[0;32;1m-35.57�[0;36;1m Pitch: �[0;32;1m0�[0;36;1m Yaw: �[0;32;1m-143.48�15:06:44�[m [15:06:44] [Server thread/INFO]: �[0;31;1m[LOG] �[0;31;1mERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (�[0;36;1mX: �[0;32;1m45.21�[0;36;1m Y: �[0;32;1m81.41�[0;36;1m Z: �[0;32;1m-34.95�[0;36;1m Pitch: �[0;32;1m0�[0;36;1m Yaw: �[0;32;1m-144.1�15:06:44�[m [15:06:44] [Server thread/INFO]: �[0;31;1m[LOG] �[0;31;1mERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (�[0;36;1mX: �[0;32;1m43.49�[0;36;1m Y: �[0;32;1m80.85�[0;36;1m Z: �[0;32;1m-32.42�[0;36;1m Pitch: �[0;32;1m0�[0;36;1m Yaw: �[0;32;1m-145.92�15:06:44�[m [15:06:44] [Server thread/INFO]: �[0;31;1m[LOG] �[0;31;1mERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (�[0;36;1mX: �[0;32;1m43.11�[0;36;1m Y: �[0;32;1m80.73�[0;36;1m Z: �[0;32;1m-31.85�[0;36;1m Pitch: �[0;32;1m0�[0;36;1m Yaw: �[0;32;1m-146.23�15:06:44�[m [15:06:44] [Server thread/INFO]: �[0;31;1m[LOG] �[0;31;1mERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (�[0;36;1mX: �[0;32;1m42.71�[0;36;1m Y: �[0;32;1m80.62�[0;36;1m Z: �[0;32;1m-31.28�[0;36;1m Pitch: �[0;32;1m0�[0;36;1m Yaw: �[0;32;1m-146.5�15:06:44�[m [15:06:44] [Server thread/INFO]: �[0;31;1m[LOG] �[0;31;1mERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (�[0;36;1mX: �[0;32;1m42.32�[0;36;1m Y: �[0;32;1m80.5�[0;36;1m Z: �[0;32;1m-30.69�[0;36;1m Pitch: �[0;32;1m0�[0;36;1m Yaw: �[0;32;1m-146.82�15:06:44�[m [15:06:44] [Server thread/INFO]: �[0;31;1m[LOG] �[0;31;1mERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (�[0;36;1mX: �[0;32;1m41.91�[0;36;1m Y: �[0;32;1m80.38�[0;36;1m Z: �[0;32;1m-30.09�[0;36;1m Pitch: �[0;32;1m0�[0;36;1m Yaw: �[0;32;1m-147.14�15:06:44�[m [15:06:44] [Server thread/INFO]: �[0;31;1m[LOG] �[0;31;1mERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (�[0;36;1mX: �[0;32;1m41.5�[0;36;1m Y: �[0;32;1m80.27�[0;36;1m Z: �[0;32;1m-29.48�[0;36;1m Pitch: �[0;32;1m0�[0;36;1m Yaw: �[0;32;1m-147.54�15:06:45�[m [15:06:45] [Server thread/INFO]: �[0;31;1m[LOG] �[0;31;1mERROR: Cannot find match when explosion happens (�[0;36;1mX: �[0;32;1m41.09�[0;36;1m Y: �[0;32;1m80.15�[0;36;1m Z: �[0;32;1m-28.86�[0;36;1m Pitch: �[0;32;1m0�[0;36;1m Yaw: �[0;32;1m-148.02�[0;31;1m) (ENDER_DRAGON)�[m

Disable the end in your server. A practice server should not enable the end. This is important.

i reset my server configurations, thats why end was enabled

serumanooo commented 11 months ago

Disable the end in your server. A practice server should not enable the end. This is important.

image image

idk what to do

GoodestEnglish commented 11 months ago

If it is TNT and this error displays, then it is an error in my side. Will fix it soon