diamondburned / dissent

Tiny native Discord app
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Feature Request] Add Light Theme #130

Closed jan-sonki closed 6 months ago

jan-sonki commented 1 year ago

Currently, gtkcord4 only has a dark theme available. This issue proposes the addition of a light theme to provide users with more customization options and improve the overall user experience. Here are some reasons why a light theme should be added:

User preference: Some users may prefer a lighter theme for various reasons, such as personal taste or accessibility needs. Consistency with other applications: Most other GTK4 applications offer both light and dark themes, allowing users to choose the one that best suits their preferences and system settings. Accessibility: A light theme can improve readability and accessibility for users with certain visual impairments or those who have difficulty reading text on dark backgrounds.

For the settings UI to switch between light and dark themes in gtkcord4, it would be better to place the option inside the Preferences menu, as this is more consistent with other GNOME applications (and also Discord itself!). To implement this, follow these steps:

Create a new section in the Preferences menu for theme settings. Add a dropdown menu to allow users to choose between the light and dark, and adaptive themes. (adaptive changes based on system theme) Connect the dropdown menu to the corresponding function that applies the selected theme to the application. Save the user's theme preference, so it persists across application restarts.

Thank you for considering this!

diamondburned commented 1 year ago

gtkcord4 does have a light theme as well. However, it only works if your Discord's user settings are also set to light theme.

Adding a toggle switch for this should be trivial enough, though.

TheKrafter commented 1 year ago

offtopic: this proposal sounds very long-winded and Ai-generated lol

markski1 commented 1 year ago

It might also be dependant on your system theme? gtkcord runs in light theme on my laptop by default even though my user settings for the native client are dark mode (this is convenient for me anyways since I prefer my laptop be in light mode which is where I use gtkcord, but I imagine this might annoy some)

searinminecraft commented 1 year ago


you can see here, i have light theme. this is just because my (system) theme is set to a light theme.

LSeelig commented 6 months ago

I have my discord (web app) theme set to "Sync with computer" and it works fine, but even when my computer (and thus the web app) are in light mode, the Gtkcord4 client is dark. Only if I select Light instead of sync in the web app does gtkcord4 appear in light theme.

diamondburned commented 6 months ago

I don't think I check that option; I have no clue what it is called in the user_options block. You can set this, though:


LSeelig commented 6 months ago

I don't think I check that option; I have no clue what it is called in the user_options block. You can set this, though:


Ah. Sorry; don't know how I missed it.

diamondburned commented 6 months ago

Closing this issue since it seems to be fixed.